Residence title for former Germans am Standort Berlin Immigration Office, Friedrich-Krause-Ufer

Aktuelle Hinweise zu diesem Standort

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 Larger map


  • This facility is wheelchair accessible.
  • Handicapped parking space available.
  • A wheelchair-accessible elevator is available.
  • A wheelchair-accessible WC is available.
Explanation of symbols

Elevators in the houses A and C

Opening hours

  • Monday

      7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only)
  • Tuesday

      7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only)
  • Wednesday

      8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only )
  • Thursday

      9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (by appointment only )
  • Friday

      8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (by appointment only)


Additional information

  • Payments are also possible by credit card (VISA, Mastercard and Maestro).
  • Photo booth and copier (charge) are located at the cashier (house A, first floor).

Payment options


Residence title for former Germans

Issuing and extending a residence title for former Germans. Naturalised persons that have applied for and obtained foreign nationality after 01/01/2000 and have therefore lost their German nationality shall require a residence title.

A former German is granted
  • a permanent settlement permit if he or she had been habitually resident in the federal territory for five years upon losing German nationality or
  • a temporary residence permit if he or she had been habitually resident in the federal territory for at least one year upon losing German nationality.
The application for a residence title must be filed within six months of obtaining knowledge of the loss of German nationality.


  • Acquisition of foreign nationality (after 01/01/2000) and simultaneous possession of a German ID card and/or passport.
  • Main residence in Berlin
  • Personal appearance by appointment is required

Documents required

  • The form "Antrag auf Erteilung eines Aufenthaltstitels" (Application for Issuance of a Residence Permit) - filled out
    Application form is only to required when applying for the first time.
  • Valid foreign passport
  • German Id-Card (Personalausweis), German passport
    A notice of loss must be obtained if German ID documents are lost. It is issued by any district office in Berlin.
  • 1 current biometric photo
    35mm x 45mm, frontal shot with neutral facial expression and closed mouth, looking straight into the camera, light background
  • Proof of registered periods of residency in Berlin from 01/01/1995
    • You can obtain the extended certificate of registration (at a charge) from any district office (Bürgeramt) in Berlin or from the State Office for Residents’ and Regulatory Affairs (Landesamt für Bürger- und Ordnungsangelegenheiten). If possible, submit a print-out of this service description for this purpose.
    • Other documents confirming your residency are necessary if you have lived at one or several locations in another federal state in the meantime. They may be employment contracts, rent contracts or references.
    Proof is only necessary for first-time applications.
  • Proof of acquisition of foreign nationality
    • In original, with translation: e.g. naturalisation certificate, excerpt from the civil registry or certification from the consulate general or embassy, also the Nüfus Kayit Örnegi for Turkish nationals
    • Only required when applying for the first time
  • Proof of acquisition of German nationality
    Naturalisation certificate
  • Proof of good conduct (Führungszeugnis; not older than 3 months)
    Proof of good conduct can be applied for (at a charge) with any district office (Bürgeramt) in Berlin. A certificate of good conduct for personal reasons is sufficient.
    Proof of good conduct is only necessary when applying for a residence title for the first time.
  • Proof of a secure livelihood
    All documents must be presented in original:
    • Employees: Employment contract, Certificate of employment, salary slips of the last 6 months
    • Entrepreneurs and self-employed: audit report form prepared by a tax consultant, auditor or a lawyer with relevant professional experience (e.g. a specialist lawyer for tax law), last tax assessment
    • Freelancers: Tax assessments, bank statements, Invoices,e.g. from galleries and auction houses and the like that show a regular inflow
    • Retirees: Notice of pension approval
  • Lease or proof of home ownership
  • Living costs
    Rental cost / expenses for property
  • Health insurance
    Proof of a secure livelihood must also include sufficient health insurance. Those with statutory health insurance are sufficiently insured. Those with private health insurance must consider the type and extent of their health insurance. For more information, please read the leaflet "Information on adequate health insurance".
  • Proof of main residence in Berlin
    • Certificate of registration at the main residence or
    • lease and written confirmation of occupancy from the landlord
    More on the topic in the section "More information".


For the first issuance of the residence permit:

  • Adults: 100.00 euros
  • Minors: 50.00 euros
For the extension of the residence permit:
  • Adults: 93.00 euros
  • Minors: 46.50 euros
For Turkish citizens:
  • From the age of 24 years: a maximum of 37.00 euros
  • Until the age of 24 years: a maximum of 22.80 euros

Average time to process request

Around 5–6 weeks
A personal visit four to six weeks before the existing temporary residence title expires is best. If possible you should book an appointment for this.

Hinweise zur Zuständigkeit

This service can only be taken advantage of in the Berlin Immigration Office (Landesamt für Einwanderung – LEA) at Friedrich-Krause-Ufer.


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