Aktuelle Sprache: en
Location: Berlin Immigration Office, Friedrich-Krause-Ufer

- Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA)
- Berlin Immigration Office, Friedrich-Krause-Ufer
- Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24 , 13353 Berlin
- Tel.: (030) 90269-4000
- Fax: -
- Contact form
- Home page
Opening hours
7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only)
7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only)
8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only )
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (by appointment only )
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (by appointment only)
Public transportation
Train (S-Bahn)
S+U Westhafen
- S25
- S41
- S42
S+U Westhafen
U Amrumer Str.
- U9
S+U Westhafen
- U9
U Amrumer Str.
- 123
- M27
Perleberger Brücke
- 123
- 142
- M27
- N40
Additional information
- Payments are also possible by credit card (VISA, Mastercard) and contactless via smartwatch or smartphone.
- Photo booth and copier (fees apply) are available in the cash desk area (Building A, 1st floor).
Payment options
- Cash payment
- girocard (with PIN)
Services offered
Akteneinsicht in die Ausländerakte und Einbürgerungsakte beantragen - für Rechtsanwälte
Application certificate for family members of EU (except Germany) and EEA citizens
Aufenthaltserlaubnis aus humanitären Gründen - Verlängerung
Aufenthaltserlaubnis für Inhaber eines Chancen-Aufenthaltsrechts
Aufenthaltserlaubnis zum vorübergehenden Schutz für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine beantragen
Aufenthaltserlaubnis zum vorübergehenden Schutz für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine verlängern
Bescheinigung über ein unbefristetes Aufenthaltsrecht
Certificate confirming permission to reside (Aufenthaltsgestattung) - extension
Certificate confirming the temporary suspension of deportation (Duldung) - extension
Certificate of the right of permanent residence for Union citizens (EU/EEA) (Bescheinigung über das Daueraufenthaltsrecht für Unionsbürger)
Electronic residence title (eAT) – Loss or theft
elektronischer Aufenthaltstitel (eAT) - Ausgabe
Employment - Change of employer
EU long-term residence permit - application
Fiktionsbescheinigung (Fictional Certificate)
Permanent residence card for family members of citizens entitled to freedom of movement from the EU (except Germany) and the EEA
Permanent settlement permit (general) - application
Permanent settlement permit for children aged 16 years or older - application
Permanent settlement permit for EU Blue Card holders - application
Permanent settlement permit for family members of German citizens - application
Permanent settlement permit for persons entitled to subsidiary protection or holders of a residence permit with a federal approval for admission (service)
Permanent settlement permit for persons recognized as entitled to asylum and recognized refugees - application
Permanent settlement permit for qualified skilled workers - application
Permanent settlement permit for self-employed persons
Residence document-GB
Residence permit for a foreign child born in Germany - Issuance
Residence permit for a freelance employment - Issuance
Residence permit for medical treatment
Residence permit for participation in a voluntary service
Residence permit for spouses, parents and children of foreign citizens (general)
Residence permit for spouses, parents and children of German citizens
Residence permit for spouses, parents and children of persons eligible for subsidiary protection
Residence permit for Swiss nationals and their family members
Residence permit for Swiss nationals and their family members - Transfer to a new passport
Residence permit for the purpose of attending the Working-Holiday- and Youth Mobility-Programme
Residence permit for the purpose of freelance or self-employment - extension
Residence permit for the purpose of self-employment - Issuance -
Residence permit for Turkish employees and their family members (DAC 1/80) - Extension
Residence permit in accordance with Opportunity Residence Law - Application
Residence permit in cases of hardship - Extension
Residence permit to start a job as an au pair
Residence permit with right of return
Residence title for former Germans
Residency permit card for family members of nationals of EU member states, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein (EEA states)
Transfer of a permanent settlement permit or an EU long-term residence permit to a new passport
Transfer of a Residence document-GB (for British nationals and their family members) to a new passport
Transfer of a residence permit to a new passport
Transferring a residence card or permanent residence card to a new passport
Travel document - Reissue
Service hotline 115
Bürgertelefon 115 - Ihr telefonischer Zugang zur Verwaltung: (030) 115; Montag - Freitag, 07:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Mehr Informationen