Residence for attending a language course at the location LEA, Keplerstr.

Aktuelle Hinweise zu diesem Standort

Neues Verfahren zur Vereinbarung von Terminen

Das LEA ändert das Verfahren zur Vergabe von Terminen ab sofort grundlegend. Termine können nicht mehr über die bisherige Online-Terminvereinbarung (OTV) gebucht werden. Die zuerst aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten abgeschaltete OTV wird dauerhaft außer Betrieb genommen.

Der Grund für diese Entscheidung liegt insbesondere darin, dass vor allem im Internet agierende Anbieter die in der OTV verfügbaren Termine zunehmend abgeschöpft hatten, um diese zu verkaufen. Unseren Kundinnen und Kunden standen viele Termine nicht oder nur gegen Bezahlung zur Verfügung. Diesem missbräuchlichen Geschäftsmodell wird nun die Grundlage entzogen.

Online-Antrag oder Kontaktformular

Das LEA stellt konsequent den Großteil seiner Dienstleistungen auf digitale Anträge um, bei denen Termine von den Referaten nach erfolgter Antragsprüfung direkt an die Antragsteller vergeben werden. Für erste Dienstleistungen, wie zum Beispiel für Verpflichtungserklärungen und den Aufenthaltstitel Blaue Karte EU werden die Termine nach Prüfung der online eingereichten Dokumente direkt von den zuständigen Referaten an die Antragsteller vergeben.

Wenn für die benötigte Dienstleistung noch kein Online-Antrag zur Verfügung steht, können Termine bei den zuständigen Referaten mittels Kontaktformular vereinbart werden. Beachten Sie bitte unsere Hinweise zur Terminvereinbarung auf unserer Website.

Es liegt ein Notfall vor und Sie benötigen dringend einen Termin?

 Larger map


  • Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA)
  • LEA, Keplerstr.
  • Keplerstraße 2 10589 Berlin
  • Mailing address
    Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24, 13353 Berlin
  • Tel.: 90269-4000
  • Fax:  -
  • Home page

Opening hours

  • Monday

      7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only)
  • Tuesday

      7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only)
  • Wednesday

      8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only )
  • Thursday

      9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (by appointment only )
  • Friday

      8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (by appointment only)

Public transportation

Information on the address of this location

The postal address differs from the address of the location.
Therefore, please always send letters to:
Landesamt für Einwanderung, Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24, 13353 Berlin.

Additional information

  • Fee payments are also possible by credit card (VISA, Mastercard) and contactless via smartwatch or smartphone.
  • Photo booth available on the ground floor. Photos cost 5 euros. Please pay cash with coins or 5-euro notes (no change or card payments accepted at the photo booth).

Payment options

  • girocard (with PIN)

Service description

Residence for attending a language course

A residence permit can be issued for a maximum of one year for the purpose of attending a language course, to learn the German language, that is not administered as preparation for a course of study.

The residence permit entitles the holder to work for up to 20 hours per week. It does not permit work on a self-employed basis.

1. Carry out the online application “Application for a residence permit for language and study purposes”.
  • The application is possible at the earliest 8 weeks before the end of your current residence title.
  • Please have all the necessary documents ready for this in PDF format if possible. However, you can also still photograph and upload the documents during the application process using your smartphone or tablet. The following file formats are accepted: PDF, JPG, JPEG, and PNG. The total size of your files must not exceed 50 MB. A single file must not exceed 5 MB in size.
  • Before you can send off the application, you need to pay the service fee.
  • At the end you will receive a PDF document to confirm your application. This document will certify that your current residence title (national D visa or residence permit) remains valid in the federal territory beyond the previous validity date. (This does not apply if you hold a Schengen visa (C visa) for a short-term stay).
  • The following applies to nationals of the beneficiary countries under Section 41 of the Ordinance Govering Residence (see section “More information”): Did you arrive in Germany fewer than 91 days ago and are now applying for a residence permit for the first time? Then your residence in Germany is considered lawful until a decision is made on your application. This means you can start the language course. However, you are not yet allowed to take up employment.
  • Please therefore make sure to save this document and print a copy if possible.
  • Note: Do your spouse and child live with you in Berlin and need a residence permit? Then please do not submit a separate application for them. Simply enter your family members in the spaces provided in the online application. The Berlin Immigration Office will contact you regarding residence permits for your family members.
2. Once you have carried out the online application “Application for a residence permit for language and study purposes”, we will check it and then contact you as soon as possible. Where necessary, we will request further documents.

3. If your application is considered to be successful, you will be given an appointment for an in-person interview. Please bring the originals of all the necessary documents with you to this appointment.

You can also access this service online

Online processing


  • Intensive language course to learn German
    For an intensive language course, it is assumed that its duration is limited from the outset; it usually includes daily lessons (at least 18 lessons per week) and is aimed at acquiring comprehensive German language skills.
    Evening, weekend and distance learning courses do not meet these requirements.
  • Secured livelihood
    Sufficient funds to secure your livelihood, including adequate health insurance coverage, are required. Sufficient funds are available if they correspond to the maximum BAföG funding rate.
    For a stay for attending a language course, a monthly amount of 1,091.20 euros must be available, i.e. 13,094.40 euros per year (current value for the year 2025).
  • Health insurance
    You have health insurance in Germany, either through statutory health insurance or a comparable private health insurance scheme.
    Travellers’ health insurance will also suffice for the duration of the language course.
  • Main residence in Berlin
    You live in Berlin. A second residence in Berlin is not sufficient.
  • Current email address
    The Berlin Immigration Office will contact you via your current email address. Please also check your spam folder regularly.
  • For the online application: Consent to the electronic payment process
    The following methods of payment are available to you:
    • Credit card (Visa, Mastercard)
    • Paypal

Documents required

  • Application for a residence permit for language and study purposes
    • Only online and at the earliest 8 weeks before your current residence title expires
    • You will receive a PDF document to confirm your application. This document will certify that your current residence title (national D visa or residence permit) remains valid in the federal territory beyond the previous validity date. (This does not apply if you hold a Schengen visa (C visa) for a short-term stay).
    • The following applies to nationals of the beneficiary countries under Section 41 of the Ordinance Govering Residence (see section “Further information”): Did you arrive in the country fewer than 91 days ago and are now applying for a residence permit for the first time? Then your residence in Germany is considered lawful until a decision is made on your application. This means that you can already begin the language course. However, taking up employment is not yet permitted.
    • Please therefore make sure to save this document and print a copy if possible.
  • In the case of an application being filed by an authorised representative: power of attorney stating the subject matter of the procedure
  • Passport copies (in color)
    Copies of the following pages of your passport are required:
    • always: data pages (with your photo and personal data)
    • if you have entered the country and are applying for a residence permit for the first time, also: entry stamp, as well as visa for entry or residence title for another EU Member state in your passport (if you have these)
  • If you already have a residence permit for language course or another German residence title: a copy of your residence title
  • Proof of health insurance: insurance card, contract
  • Proof of your residence in Berlin
    • Certificate of registration at the main residence (Melde-Bestätigung) or
    • lease and written confirmation of occupancy from the landlord (Wohnungsgeber-Bestätigung)
    More on this topic in the section "More information"
  • Proof of livelihood
    e.g. blocked account (Sperrkonto) at a German Bank / submission of a declaration of commitment by a third party on an official form / notarized declaration from parents securing the livelihood for the duration of the language course with proof of the income of the parents in the last six months / employment contract for a part-time job
  • Proof of intensive language course
    • Certification from the language school for a booked language course of at least three months
    • Contract with the language school


  • 100.00 euros
For Turkish nationals:
  • 22.80 euro: up to the age of 24
  • 37.00 euro: as from the age of 24

Average time to process request

  • You will receive an appointment for an interview if your application is reviewed positively.
  • At the appointment, you will receive written confirmation of lawful residence until issue of the appointed residence title. The extent to which you are permitted to work will also be stated in this.
  • Following the interview, it will take around 4 weeks until the residence permit is issued as an electronic residence title and can be picked up.

Notes on responsibility

This service can only be taken advantage of in the Berlin Immigration Office (Landesamt für Einwanderung – LEA) at Keplerstrasse.