Aufenthaltserlaubnis zur Arbeitsplatzsuche für Fachkräfte - Erteilung

Issuance of a temporary residence permit for qualified skilled workers who wish to seek gainful employment (employment relationship or self-employment) in Germany commensurate with their qualifications.

However, whether and for how long the temporary residence permit can be granted depends on how long and for what purpose the skilled worker is already resident in German territory:

  • a) skilled worker with vocational training who has newly arrived in Germany or has up to now held a residence permit for gainful employment or under Article 16e of the German Residence Act (study-related internship EU):

The temporary residence permit may be issued for six months if the skilled worker has a command of the German language sufficient for the work he seeks.

  • b) skilled worker with academic education who has newly arrived in Germany or has up to now held a residence permit for gainful employment or under Article 16e of the German Residence Act (study-related internship EU):

The temporary residence permit may be issued for six months.

  • c) Following a stay for the purpose of study under Articles 16b or 16c of the German Residence Act and successful completion of the studies in Germany:

The temporary residence permit is issued for 18 months.

  • d) After the completion of research activities with a temporary residence permit under Articles 18d or 18f of the German Residence Act:

The residence permit is issued for nine months.

  • e) After the successful completion of qualified vocational training in German territory with a residence permit under Article 16a of the German Residence Act:

The residence permit is issued for 12 months.

  • f) After the establishment of the equivalence of the professional qualification or the issuance a professional practice permit in German territory with a temporary residence permit under Article 16d of the German Residence Act:

The residence permit is issued for 12 months.

  • g) After successful completion of assistant or helper training in a state-recognized or similarly regulated training occupation in a profession in the health and care sector in Germany:

The residence permit is issued for 12 months.

Please also note:
  • In cases a) and b) the temporary residence permit confers a right to engage, for a maximum of 10 hours per week, in trial employment for which the skilled worker is qualified. Work on a self-employed basis is not permitted.
  • In the other cases engagement in any gainful employment is permitted.
  • An extension of this temporary residence permit is excluded if no appropriate gainful employment could be found within the validity period.
  • A new residence permit may only be issued for engagement in appropriate gainful employment or in the event of a statutory entitlement.


  • If you hold a foreign higher education degree: The higher education degree must be recognised in Germany
    It is possible to submit a query to the online database of the Central Office for Foreign Education Affairs (Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen, ZAB) to determine if the foreign university or university college qualification is recognised in Germany (see section "More information").

    If the database does not contain any relevant information, applicants are required to apply to the ZAB to have their qualification specifically evaluated against payment of a fee and to present their qualification certificate to the ZAB (see links for more information).
  • Main residence in Berlin
  • A personal interview is required

Documents required

  • Valid passport
  • 1 current biometric photo
    35mm x 45mm, frontal shot with neutral facial expression and closed mouth, looking straight into the camera, light background
  • If you are a skilled worker with vocational training: training testimonial/certificate
    In the case of foreign vocational training: in the original language as an officially certified copy along with a translation into German as a simple copy
  • If you are a skilled worker with academic education: Foreign higher education degree
    • in the original language as an officially certified copy and in German translation as a simple copy
    • where applicable an evaluation of your foreign higher education degree (see the “requirements” section)
  • If you have studied in Germany: degree
    Degree certificate, testimony or certificate from your higher education institution on the successful completion of your studies
  • If you have completed your research activities in Germany: Documents on the terminated employment
  • If you have successfully completed qualified vocational training in Germany:
    German educational certificate
  • After a stay in Germany for the recognition of your foreign professional qualification
    Decision of the competent body on successful recognition
    For regulated professions: also an occupation practice permit
  • Health insurance
    Travel health insurance is only sufficient if you have not yet spent time in German territory and the temporary residence permit is granted for a maximum of 12 months.
    Please take note of our health insurance leaflet (see section "More information").
  • Proof of a secure livelihood
    e.g. current bank account statements, submission of a declaration of commitment by a third party on an official form
  • Form "Antrag auf Erteilung eines Aufenthaltstitels" (Application for Issuance of a Residence Permit)
    Only required for a new arrival and the first application
  • Proof of main residence in Berlin
    • Certificate of registration at the main residence or
    • lease and written confirmation of occupancy from the landlord


  • 100.00 euros
Turkish nationals (for first issuance as well as for extension)
  • Up to the age of 24 years: 22.80 euros
  • From the age of 24 years: 37.00 euros

Average time to process request

Around 5–6 weeks
A personal visit four to six weeks before the existing temporary residence title expires is best. If possible you should book an appointment for this.

Hinweise zur Zuständigkeit

This service can only be taken advantage of in the Berlin Immigration Office (Landesamt für Einwanderung – LEA) at Keplerstrasse.

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