Residency permit card for family members of nationals of EU member states (except Germany), Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein (EEA states) am Standort Berlin Immigration Office, Friedrich-Krause-Ufer

Aktuelle Hinweise zu diesem Standort

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  • This facility is wheelchair accessible.
  • Handicapped parking space available.
  • A wheelchair-accessible elevator is available.
  • A wheelchair-accessible WC is available.
Explanation of symbols

Elevators in the houses A and C

Opening hours

  • Monday

      7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only)
  • Tuesday

      7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only)
  • Wednesday

      8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only )
  • Thursday

      9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (by appointment only )
  • Friday

      8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (by appointment only)


Additional information

  • Payments are also possible by credit card (VISA, Mastercard and Maestro).
  • Photo booth and copier (charge) are located at the cashier (house A, first floor).

Payment options


Residency permit card for family members of nationals of EU member states (except Germany), Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein (EEA states)

The residence card is issued to family members who
  • are not nationals of a Member State of the European Union - EU or the European Economic Area - EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway)

  • who are cohabiting as a family with a citizen of the EU or the EEA
  • who is entitled to free movement.
The residence card is generally issued for 5 years. It certifies the right of entry and residence. Any gainful employment (employment or self-employment) is therefore permitted.

Family members of Germans do not receive a residence card in pursuance of the Freizügigkeitsgesetz [Freedom of Movement Act]. They may receive a residence permit in pursuance of the Aufenthaltsgesetz [Residence Act], if they are not themselves EU or EEA citizens (see section 'More information').


  • Family member is not an EU or EEA citizen
  • Right of freedom of movement applies
    Family members only enjoy a right of residence derived from the EU/EEA citizen, if the latter enjoys the right to free movement, e.g. as
    • an employee
    • a self-employed person
    • a non-employed person
  • Family relationship with a citizen of the EU (except Germany) or EEA
    Family members in pursuance of the Freedom of Movement Act are, in particular,
    • spouses/same-sex registered life partners or
    • minor, unmarried children or
    • parents

    Family members of Germans do not receive a residence card in pursuance of the Freedom of Movement Act. They may receive a residence permit in pursuance of the Residence Act, if they are not themselves EU or EEA citizens (see section 'More information').
  • Living in a family unit
    The family member and the EU/EEA citizen must be living in a family unit in Berlin.
  • Main residence in Berlin
  • Personal appearance by appointment is required

Documents required

  • Form "Angaben zur Ausstellung einer Aufenthaltskarte" (filled out)
  • Valid passport
  • 1 current biometric photo
    35mm x 45mm, frontal shot with neutral facial expression and closed mouth, looking straight into the camera, light background
  • Proof of relationship
    i.e. certificate of birth, marriage certificate, partnership certificate
  • For all foreign documents: translation, possibly with an additional apostil or confirmation of authenticity
    • Please provide an authenticated translation of all foreign documents.
    • Depending on your country of origin, you may also need an apostil or confirmation of authenticity (issued by a German consular official) for your document(s). You can find out more about this topic for example on the website of the Federal Foreign Office: International recognition/Legalisation of documents (see section "More information").
  • Proof of registered residence of the EU or EEA citizen
  • Proof of the right to free movement of the EU/EEA citizen
    In individual cases, proof of the right of freedom of movement of the EU/EEA citizen may be required. Please therefore bring the following documents with you:
    • for employees: confirmation from the employer of the appointment or employment
    • for self-employed workers: business registration, tax number, current tax demand
    • for non-employed persons: proof of health insurance and means of subsistence
  • Proof of main residence in Berlin
    • Certificate of registration at the main residence or
    • lease and written confirmation of occupancy from the landlord


  • From the age of 24 years: 37.00 euros
  • Until the age of 24 years: 22.80 euros


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