Residence permit for the recognition of a foreign professional qualification in connection with a qualification measure

Are you a foreign skilled worker who wishes to work in Germany but your professional qualifications have not yet been fully recognised by the competent body in Germany?

If so you will usually be granted a temporary residence permit for the purpose of completing qualification measures and examinations in order to make up for technical, practical and linguistic deficiencies and thus obtain
  • recognition of your professional qualification (establishment of the equivalence to a domestic professional qualification),
  • the issuance of the professional practice permit (occupational access) or
  • permission to use the professional title.

The qualification measures include offers from vocational or technical colleges, company or supra-company offers with practical and theoretical components, preparatory courses for knowledge or aptitude examinations as well as general or occupation-oriented language courses.

The temporary residence permit is granted for the specific duration of the respective qualification measure and as a maximum for up to a total of two years.

Upon successful completion of the qualification measure a further temporary residence permit may be granted, particularly for the purpose of job-seeking or for employment as a skilled worker.


  • Your professional qualification has not yet been recognised
    The body competent for the recognition of your professional qualification in Germany has established with a decision (a so-called “deficiency decision”)
    • technical, practical occupational or linguistic deficiencies and
    • in the case of a regulated profession (for example in healthcare) the need for adaptation measures or a language course.
  • The qualification measure must be suitable
  • In the case of a school-based qualification measure: The educational institution must be appropriately qualified
    The educational institution must be either a state institution, state-recognised or certified according to “Recognition and Approval Regulation for the Promotion of Employment (Anerkennungs- und Zulassungsverordnung Arbeitsförderung – AZAV).” This requirement is also considered to be fulfilled if the qualification measure is funded through funding programmes of the federal government or the Länder.
  • In the case of a predominantly workplace-based qualification measure: Approval of the Federal Employment Agency
    A qualification measure is considered to be predominantly workplace-based if more than half the time is spent on company work/practical activities.
  • Secured livelihood
    For the costs of general subsistence, rent and health insurance you must be able to dispose of own funds in the amount of € 913.00 per month (current amount in the year 2024).
  • Elementary knowledge of German at GER level A 2
    See section „More information“
  • Main residence in Berlin
  • Personal appearance by appointment is required

Documents required

  • Form "Antrag auf Erteilung eines Aufenthaltstitels" (filled out)
    (see ‘Forms’)
  • Valid passport
  • 1 current biometric photo
    35mm x 45mm, frontal shot with neutral facial expression and closed mouth, looking straight into the camera, light background
  • Deficiency decision of the recognition body
  • Proof of elementary knowledge of German at GER level A 2
  • Supporting documents on the planned qualification measure
  • In the case of school-based qualification: Documentary evidence on the educational institution
  • In the case of workplace-based qualification: Documents for the participation of the Federal Employment Agency
    • Employment contract or traineeship contract
    • Filled in form „Erklärung zum Beschäftigungsverhältnis“ (job description)
    • Filled in form “Zusatzblatt A” (Additional Sheet A) and the training schedule specified therein
  • Proof of secured livelihood
    If your subsistence is not covered by income from employment:
    • Setting up a blocked account with a German bank, or
    • Signing a formal undertaking at the Land Immigration Office
  • Health insurance
    in the case of statutory health insurance:
    • electronic health card with photograph
    • current confirmation of the health insurance
    in the case of a private health insurance scheme:
    • proof that you have paid your contributions, for example through account statements
    • certificate issued by the insurer
  • Proof of your residence
    for example through
    • Certificate of registration at the main residence (see section "More information") or
    • lease and written confirmation of occupancy from the landlord (See section "Forms")


  • For the first issuance: 100.00 euros
  • For an extension by up to three months: 96.00 euros
  • For an extension by more than three months: 93.00 euros
Turkish nationals (for first issuance as well as for extension)
  • Up to the age of 24 years: 22.80 euros
  • From the age of 24 years: 37.00 euros

Average time to process request

Around 5–6 weeks
A personal visit four to six weeks before the existing temporary residence permit expires is best. If possible you should book an appointment for this.

Hinweise zur Zuständigkeit

This service can only be taken advantage of in the Berlin Immigration Office (Landesamt für Einwanderung – LEA) at Keplerstrasse.

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