Transferring a residence card or permanent residence card to a new passport am Standort Berlin Immigration Office, Friedrich-Krause-Ufer

Aktuelle Hinweise zu diesem Standort

Die Online-Terminvereinbarung (OTV) des LEA steht auch in den nächsten Tagen leider nicht zur Verfügung.

Dies liegt an umfangreichen und komplexen Wartungsarbeiten des ITDZ an der OTV, die länger andauern als vorauszusehen war.

Ihr Aufenthaltstitel / Aufenthaltsgestattung / Duldung läuft innerhalb der nächsten 4 Wochen ab oder ist bereits abgelaufen?

  • Dann wenden Sie sich bitte für einen Termin mittels Kontaktformular an das für Sie zuständige Referat.
Es liegt ein Notfall vor und Sie benötigen dringend einen Termin?
Wir arbeiten unter Hochdruck eng mit dem ITDZ zusammen, um den Service der OTV so schnell wie möglich wieder anbieten zu können. Die entstehenden Unannehmlichkeiten bedauern wir sehr und bitten um Verständnis.

 Larger map


  • This facility is wheelchair accessible.
  • Handicapped parking space available.
  • A wheelchair-accessible elevator is available.
  • A wheelchair-accessible WC is available.
Explanation of symbols

Elevators in the houses A and C

Opening hours

  • Monday

      7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only)
  • Tuesday

      7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only)
  • Wednesday

      8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only )
  • Thursday

      9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (by appointment only )
  • Friday

      8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (by appointment only)


Additional information

  • Payments are also possible by credit card (VISA, Mastercard and Maestro).
  • Photo booth and copier (charge) are located at the cashier (house A, first floor).

Payment options


Transferring a residence card or permanent residence card to a new passport

Are you the holder of a residence card or permanent residence card? And have you received a new passport? If so, you can have your residence card or permanent residence card reissued.

Are you the holder of a residence title (such as a residence permit) but not a residence card or permanent residence card? In this case, please see the section, “More information ”.

If you wish to travel abroad before your new residence card or permanent residence card has been issued:

If you wish to travel abroad in the meantime, please take both your old passport and your new passport with you. This will enable you to return to Germany.
Other conditions may apply in the country to which you wish to travel. Please find out which documents you need for your planned trip in good time. For example, you can obtain relevant information from the embassy or consulate of the country to which you wish to travel.


  • Ownership of a residence card or permanent residence card
    Your residence card or permanent residence card was issued to you as a relative of a citizen of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA, which consists of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway).
    You yourself do not have citizenship of a member state of the EU or the EEA.
  • New passport
    You have already received a new passport.
  • Main residence in Berlin
  • On-site
    You can transfer your residence card or permanent residence card only by coming to us in person. Please arrange an appointment for this purpose.

Documents required

  • New passport
  • Residence card or Permanent residence card
  • 1 current biometric photo
    35mm x 45mm, frontal shot with neutral facial expression and closed mouth, looking straight into the camera, light background


  • From the age of 24 years: 37.00 euros
  • Until the age of 24 years: 22.80 euros

Average time to process request

About 5-6 weeks

Hinweise zur Zuständigkeit

This service can only be taken advantage of in the Berlin Immigration Office (Landesamt für Einwanderung – LEA) at Friedrich-Krause-Ufer.


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