Declaration of commitment for a long-term stay (national visa) am Standort LEA, Keplerstr.

Aktuelle Hinweise zu diesem Standort

Die Online-Terminvereinbarung (OTV) des LEA steht auch in den nächsten Tagen leider nicht zur Verfügung.

Dies liegt an umfangreichen und komplexen Wartungsarbeiten des ITDZ an der OTV, die länger andauern als vorauszusehen war.

Ihr Aufenthaltstitel / Aufenthaltsgestattung / Duldung läuft innerhalb der nächsten 4 Wochen ab oder ist bereits abgelaufen?

  • Dann wenden Sie sich bitte für einen Termin mittels Kontaktformular an das für Sie zuständige Referat.
Es liegt ein Notfall vor und Sie benötigen dringend einen Termin?
Wir arbeiten unter Hochdruck eng mit dem ITDZ zusammen, um den Service der OTV so schnell wie möglich wieder anbieten zu können. Die entstehenden Unannehmlichkeiten bedauern wir sehr und bitten um Verständnis.

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  • Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA)
  • LEA, Keplerstr.
  • Keplerstraße 2 10589 Berlin
  • Mailing address
    Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24, 13353 Berlin
  • Contact person

  • B5
  • Tel.: (030) 90269-4000
  • Fax: (030) 90269-4099

Opening hours

  • Monday

      7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only)
  • Tuesday

      7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only)
  • Wednesday

      8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (by appointment only )
  • Thursday

      9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (by appointment only )
  • Friday

      8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (by appointment only)


Information on the address of this location

The postal address differs from the address of the location.
Therefore, please always send letters to:
Landesamt für Einwanderung, Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24, 13353 Berlin.

Additional information

  • Fee payments can also be made by credit card (VISA, Mastercard and Maestro).
  • Photo booth available on ground floor. Photos cost 5 euros. Please pay appropriately cash with coins or a 5-euro note (no change or card payment possible at the photo booth).

Payment options


Declaration of commitment for a long-term stay (national visa)

As a rule, a national visa for entry for a long-term stay (more than 90 stays) can only be issued if subsistence costs during the stay in the Federal Republic of Germany are assured.

If sufficient own funds cannot be proven when applying for a national visa at the German mission abroad (embassy or consulate general), persons living in Berlin with sufficient creditworthiness can make a declaration of commitment for the applicant at the Berlin Immigration Office.

The commitment includes bearing all subsistence costs. This includes for example the costs for housing or in the event of illness.

In addition, public funds for subsistence costs spent by an issuing authority (for example the Social Welfare office) must be reimbursed.

The declaration of commitment lasts for 5 years. This period starts with entry into the Federal Republic of Germany, if this is made possible by the declaration of commitment.

A declaration of commitment at the Berlin Immigration Office is only possible for certain long-term purposes of residence, for example studying or marriage.

Would you like to submit a declaration of commitment within the admission programm for Syrian and Iraqi refugees with relatives in Berlin? Then please refer to the "More information" section.


  • Application for a national visa fort a long stay
    An application for a national visa for long-term residence (more than 90 days) has been made or will soon be made at a German mission abroad (embassy, consulate).
  • Procedure for making an appointment
    Please use our contact form (see section: "More information") if you need an appointment to submit a declaration of commitment.
    When contacting us please state the grounds for the visa application (e.g. language course or intended marriage). Please also inform us of your current employment status (e.g. self-employed, employee, pensioner). With this information we can let you know which documents will be required.
    Only after receiving and verifying your documents will we offer you an appointment.
  • Creditworthiness
    You need to be in a financial position to bear the subsistence costs. The amount of the monthly minimum net income depends on your marital status and maintenance obligations resulting thereof as well as the purpose of residence applied for.

    For example, the minimum net income for a national visa is for a stay:
    • to visit a language course / school: 2,660 euro without any maintenance obligations / 3,690 euro with maintenance obligation for 1 person / 4,437 euro with maintenance obligation for 2 persons
    • to study / for a vocational training: 2,700 euro without any maintenance obligations / 3,750 euro with maintenance obligation for 1 person / 4,378 euro with maintenance obligation for 2 persons
    • for job search or a wedding: 2,830 euro without any maintenance obligations / 3,930 euro with maintenance obligation for 1 person / 4,468 euro with maintenance obligation for 2 persons

Documents required

  • Form „Angaben zur Verpflichtungserklärung“ (filled out)
    • Please bring the form filled out as completely, correctly and legibly as possible.
    • The information is voluntary. However, incomplete information can lead to the rejection of the visa.
  • Form "Zusatzerklärung zur Verpflichtungserklärung" (filled out)
  • Your German ID-Card (Personalausweis) oder passport
  • Passport copy of the person applying for a national visa
  • Information about marital status and existing maintenance obligations
    to spouses, life partners or minor children
  • Proof of creditworthiness
    for example the last 6 proofs of net income or employment contract
  • Proof of main residence in Berlin
    Certificate of registration at the main residence or lease and written confirmation of occupancy from the landlord
  • More documents
    The exact documents required will be communicated to you after contacting us, as these may differ depending on the individual case, e.g. proof of creditworthiness for the self-employed or employees.


29.00 Euro

Average time to process request

As a rule, a declaration of commitment is made by prior appointment.

Hinweise zur Zuständigkeit

You can only make use of this service at the Berlin Immigration Office, at the location Keplerstraße.
Please make an appointment by email or post (see 'Prerequisites')