Aktuelle Sprache: en
Gaming devices with the possibility of winning - confirmation of the suitability of the place of installation at the location Ordnungsamt Treptow-Köpenick / Gewerbeangelegenheiten

- Bezirksamt Treptow-Köpenick
- Ordnungsamt Treptow-Köpenick / Gewerbeangelegenheiten
- Salvador-Allende-Str. 80 A , 12559 Berlin
- Tel.: (030) 90297-4629
- Fax: (030) 90297-664621
- E-mail: ordnungsamt@ba-tk.berlin.de
Opening hours
09:00-15:00 Uhr (nur nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung)
09:00-15:00 Uhr (nur nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung)
keine Sprechzeit
10:00-18:00 Uhr (nur nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung)
09:00-14:00 (nur nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung)
Changes in opening hours
Für eine persönliche Vorsprache im Ordnungsamt ist unbedingt eine telefonische Terminvereinbarung nötig!
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: https://www.berlin.de/ba-treptow-koepenick/politik-und-verwaltung/aemter/ordnungsamt/artikel.86065.php
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: https://www.berlin.de/ba-treptow-koepenick/politik-und-verwaltung/aemter/ordnungsamt/artikel.86065.php
Public transportation
- 269
- N65
- 169
- N64
Neuer Weg
- N65
- 169
- 269
- N64
Berlin, Hirschgartendreieck
- N65
- S3A
- S3H
- 165
- 269
- N65
- X69
- 169
- N65
Berlin, Hirschgartendreieck
- 60
- 61
- 60
- 61
Berlin, Hirschgartendreieck
Payment options
- Girocard (mit PIN)
Service description
Gaming devices with the possibility of winning - confirmation of the suitability of the place of installation
Anyone wishing to set up commercial money and goods gambling machines must first obtain a permit from the competent authority for the commercial enterprise (see " More Information").
The equipment may only be set up at locations whose suitability has previously been confirmed in writing by the responsible authority for the place of installation. You need confirmation of suitability for each installation location. For the suitability of the place of installation, please note:
Money and goods gambling machines may only be set up in:
Rooms of licensed restaurant establishments where beverages or prepared food are served for consumption on the spot. This does not apply to drinking halls, ice-cream parlours, dairy parlours and establishments in which the serving of food or drink plays only a minor role.
In gambling halls or similar enterprises where no alcoholic beverages are offered for consumption on the spot, a maximum of one gambling device may be set up per twelve square metres of floor space, but no more than eight gambling devices in total.
The equipment may only be set up at locations whose suitability has previously been confirmed in writing by the responsible authority for the place of installation. You need confirmation of suitability for each installation location. For the suitability of the place of installation, please note:
Money and goods gambling machines may only be set up in:
Rooms of licensed restaurant establishments where beverages or prepared food are served for consumption on the spot. This does not apply to drinking halls, ice-cream parlours, dairy parlours and establishments in which the serving of food or drink plays only a minor role.
- in accommodation establishments,
- in gambling halls or similar enterprises, or
- in betting offices of licensed bookmakers, unless sports betting is brokered in the betting office.
- Establishments at public festivals, shooting festivals or similar events, fairs or special markets,
- establishments on sports grounds, in sports halls, dance schools, bathing establishments, sports or youth facilities or youth hostels as well as establishments which, by their nature or in fact, are predominantly frequented by children or young people,
- in restaurants not requiring a licence (e.g. in restaurants not serving alcohol).
- at public festivals, shooting festivals or similar events, fairs or special markets,
In gambling halls or similar enterprises where no alcoholic beverages are offered for consumption on the spot, a maximum of one gambling device may be set up per twelve square metres of floor space, but no more than eight gambling devices in total.
Suitable place of installation
Gambling equipment may only be installed in locations that have been confirmed in writing by the responsible authority of the place where the equipment is to be installed.
- Gambling devices may only be set up in licensed pubs and restaurants, amusement arcades or similar enterprises or betting offices of licensed bookmakers.
- Gambling devices may also be set up at public festivals, shooting festivals or similar events, fairs or special markets.
- Valid permit for installing gambling equipment with winning opportunities
Type approval
Only gaming devices with the possibility of winning may be set up if their type of construction has been approved by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt.
Documents required
Application for confirmation of the suitability of the installation location
(under "Forms")
You must submit an application in order to receive confirmation of the suitability of the installation site for the gaming device with the possibility of winning. -
Ground plan
Floor plan of the premises intended for installation (ideally on a 1:100 scale). -
Proof of valid permission to set up gambling devices with the possibility of winning
Proof to be provided by presenting the permission certificate or a copy thereof
60,00 bis 400,00 Euro per expense
Legal basis
Average time to process request
2 to 4 weeks
More information
Notes on responsibility
The application for suitability confirmation must be submitted to the Public Order Office that is responsible for the place of installation.