Employment - Change of employer am Standort LEA, Zum Business Immigration Service (BIS)

Aktuelle Hinweise zu diesem Standort

  • Nachdem das Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA) am Montag, den 05.12.2022 ab dem Morgen wegen eines lokalen Stromausfalles komplett geschlossen werden musste, konnte die Stromversorgung am frühen Abend wiederhergestellt werden. Damit ist ab Dienstag, den 06.12.2022 die Bedienung von Terminkunden wieder an allen Standorten des LEA möglich. Beachten Sie hierzu die aktuellen Informationen auf unserer Website.

Der Business Immigration Service (BIS) ist ein einzigartiger Zusammenschluss aller für Visa- und Aufenthaltsfragen relevanten Akteure aus Wirtschaft und Verwaltung.

Berliner Unternehmen, ausländische Investoren und Start-Up Entrepreneure, Manager, hochqualifizierte Fachkräfte und deren Familien können durch den BIS schnell und unkompliziert alle aufenthaltsrechtlichen Fragen klären und werden direkt an die zuständigen Ansprechpartner weitergeleitet.

Bitte beachten Sie:
  • Der Service kann nur von registrierten Kunden und nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung genutzt werden.
  • Laufkunden ohne Termin können leider nicht bedient werden.
  • Weitere Informationen zum Service des BIS finden Sie auf der Internetseite des Landesamtes für Einwanderung.

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  • Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA)
  • LEA, Zum Business Immigration Service (BIS)
  • Fasanenstraße 85 10623 Berlin
  • Mailing address
    Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24, 13353 Berlin
  • Tel.: (030) 90269-5900
  • Fax: (030) 9028-3468
  • Home page


Information on the address of this location

The postal address differs from the address of the location.
Therefore, please always send letters to: Landesamt für Einwanderung, Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24, 13353 Berlin.

Payment options

  • Payment is not provided


Employment - Change of employer

  • Do you have a residence permit for the purpose of employment or an EU Blue Card?
  • Does your work permit specify a particular company?
  • Do you want to change company?
Then please apply to have your residence permit for the purpose of employment or EU Blue Card amended. Please note, however, before our instructions.

Note: Your residence permit for the purpose of employment/your EU Blue Card does not have to be amended, if you

  • have already worked for at least two years with a residence permit for the purpose of employment or
  • you have resided continuously in Germany for at least three years with a residence permit (except for study)
  • in addition, no time limit is fixed by law for your type of employment (such as, for example, in the case of speciality chefs or within the framework of an exchange of personnel of an internationally operating company).

You can then move to another skilled employment without prior approval. The Foreigners Registration Office will provide you with written confirmation of this on request.

  • Do you still work for the same employer, but something has changed, for example the name of the company or of your job? Also in this case your residence permit EU does not need to be changed. Then please read our "fact sheet for foreign workers" (see below in section "More information").


  • Possession of a valid residence permit for the purpose of employment or an EU Blue Card
    Your residence title needs to be changed? Then we recommend to book an appointment for the reissue.
  • Work permit is limited to one company and you want to change company
  • Main residence in Berlin
  • Application
    You can also send the application by e-mail, fax or post. But we recommend an appointment booking.

Documents required

  • Form "Erklärung zum Beschäftigungsverhältnis Stellenbeschreibung"
    filled out
  • Copy of the employment contract
    (a draft is enough)
  • Passport
    If you apply in writing, submit copies of your passport as well.
  • Proof of main residence in Berlin
    • Certificate of registration at the main residence or
    • lease and written confirmation of occupancy from the landlord
    More on the topic in the section "More information".


  • If the residence permit or EU Blue Card needs to be amended: free of charge
  • If the residence permit or EU Blue Card has to be extended: 96.00 euros

Hinweise zur Zuständigkeit

  • The location Keplerstraße is only responsible for this service if you have an EU Blue Card (Blaue Karte EU) or another residence title for the employment as an qualified skilled worker.
  • The location Friedrich-Krause-Ufer is only responsible for this service if you have a residence permit for another employment.
  • Does your employer take care of your residence law matters? Then ask your employer to contact our Business Immigration Service (see section "More information").


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