Crafts - Granting of an exemption permit for registration in the register of craftsmen as a German with master-like skills

An exceptional permission for registration in the register of craftsmen according to § 8 HwO can be granted if there is an exceptional reason and if your master-like knowledge and skills in the applied craft requiring permission as well as in the commercial and legal area are proven.
With a granted exemption you fulfil the requirements for entry in the register of craftsmen for a craft requiring authorisation. However, a granted exemption does not entitle you to use the title of master craftsman or to train in the craft concerned.

An exceptional permit can be limited to a partial activity in a craft.

Once you have received the exemption permit, you can be entered in the register of craftsmen or you can take up a job as a technical manager or technical manager in another company.


  • Reason for exception
    An exceptional reason for an unlimited exemption is if, in exceptional cases, you cannot reasonably be expected to take the examination for the master craftsman's certificate in order to take up self-employment in the craft trade applied for.
    Examples of this are:
    • Advanced age (47 years)
    • Serious illness or disability
    • Existence of other tests
    • Long waiting times for master craftsman's examinations.
    Your overall situation is taken into account. Lack of time or money and professional overstrain are regularly not exceptional reasons.
    An exceptional reason for a temporary exceptional permit can be, for example, in the case of
    • Prolonged unemployment
    • Opportunity to take over a business.
    The master craftsman's examination is to be made up for in the case of a limited exception within a period of generally a maximum of 2 years. The time limit depends on the respective circumstances. A binding commitment to take the master craftsman's examination and admission to the master craftsman's examination must be proven.
  • Proof of competence
    The granting of an unlimited as well as a limited exceptional permit requires proof of master-like knowledge and skills in the (sub)craft concerned as well as sufficient commercial and legal knowledge. Submitted training and work certificates and other proofs can be taken into account.
    If it is not possible to provide sufficient proof of qualification in this way, you can prove the required knowledge and skills in a competence examination. The examiner is appointed by the responsible Chamber of Trade. The costs of the expertise examination are to be borne by you.

Documents required

  • Application for a derogation
  • Proof of identity
    Presentation of identity card or passport with confirmation of registration or residence permit or other comparable identity documents
  • Proof of expertise
    Proof of expertise in the craft requiring authorisation for which the exemption is applied for by means of training, further training and work certificates, references, etc.


EUR 280,00

Notes on responsibility

The exemption permit must be submitted to the Chamber of Crafts responsible for the main commercial establishment. If this is not yet known, the registration can also be applied for at the Chamber of Crafts responsible for the applicant's place of residence.

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