Travel document - Reissue am Standort LEA, Zum Business Immigration Service (BIS)

Aktuelle Hinweise zu diesem Standort

  • Nachdem das Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA) am Montag, den 05.12.2022 ab dem Morgen wegen eines lokalen Stromausfalles komplett geschlossen werden musste, konnte die Stromversorgung am frühen Abend wiederhergestellt werden. Damit ist ab Dienstag, den 06.12.2022 die Bedienung von Terminkunden wieder an allen Standorten des LEA möglich. Beachten Sie hierzu die aktuellen Informationen auf unserer Website.

Der Business Immigration Service (BIS) ist ein einzigartiger Zusammenschluss aller für Visa- und Aufenthaltsfragen relevanten Akteure aus Wirtschaft und Verwaltung.

Berliner Unternehmen, ausländische Investoren und Start-Up Entrepreneure, Manager, hochqualifizierte Fachkräfte und deren Familien können durch den BIS schnell und unkompliziert alle aufenthaltsrechtlichen Fragen klären und werden direkt an die zuständigen Ansprechpartner weitergeleitet.

Bitte beachten Sie:
  • Der Service kann nur von registrierten Kunden und nach vorheriger Terminvereinbarung genutzt werden.
  • Laufkunden ohne Termin können leider nicht bedient werden.
  • Weitere Informationen zum Service des BIS finden Sie auf der Internetseite des Landesamtes für Einwanderung.

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  • Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA)
  • LEA, Zum Business Immigration Service (BIS)
  • Fasanenstraße 85 10623 Berlin
  • Mailing address
    Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24, 13353 Berlin
  • Tel.: (030) 90269-5900
  • Fax: (030) 9028-3468
  • Home page


Information on the address of this location

The postal address differs from the address of the location.
Therefore, please always send letters to: Landesamt für Einwanderung, Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24, 13353 Berlin.

Payment options

  • Payment is not provided


Travel document - Reissue

Travel documents issued by an authority for non-residents include in particular
  • travel document for foreign nationals (Reiseausweis für Ausländer)
  • travel document for refugees (Reiseausweis für Flüchtlinge)
  • travel documents for stateless persons (Reiseausweis für Staatenlose)
Travel documents are issued with biometric features and cannot be extended. Therefore, after their validity has expired, a new travel document must be issued.
Only travel documents with a validity period of up to one year (temporary travel document) are issued without biometric features.

Period of validity:
The maximum period of validity of a travel document for foreign nationals is
  • for children under 12 years: six years, at the latest until their 12th birthday
  • for persons who are between 12 and 24 years old at the time of issuance: six years
  • for persons who are 24 years or older at the time of issuance: ten years
Travel documents for refugees and stateless persons can generally only be issued for a maximum of three years.

Furthermore, a travel document may not be valid for a longer period than the residence permit that was issued or will be issued.

Note on travel documents for foreign nationals:
  • Foreign nationals from non-EU countries can be issued with a German substitute passport in the form of a travel document for foreign nationals in the case that it is not reasonably possible to obtain from the authorities of the country of origin a passport or substitute passport.
  • If the state of non-possession of a passport is only temporary, then a travel document for foreigners can only be issued if compelling reasons exist for this.


  • Acquisition of a (national) passport must be unreasonable
    A passport or substitute passport from the country of origin cannot provably be obtained in a reasonable manner. A reasonable manner constitutes in particular the timely application to the relevant authorities of the country of origin for the issuance or extension of the passport, and the payment of the fees stipulated for this.

    In the case of foreign nationals recognised as refugees (in the meaning of the Geneva Refugee Convention) or stateless persons (in the meaning of the Convention on Stateless Persons) it is assumed that the acquisition of a passport would be unreasonable or impossible.
  • Lawfulness of the residence
    The foreign national is either in possession of a residence title or will receive one together with their travel document.
  • Main residence in Berlin
  • Personal appearance by appointment is required
    The applicant is required to attend in person. This applies to children as from the age of 6.

Documents required

  • 1 current biometric photo
    35mm x 45mm, frontal shot with neutral facial expression and closed mouth, looking straight into the camera, light background

    Even children’s travel documents must have a photo, regardless of the age of the child.
  • Previous travel document
  • Assurance of citizenship (Einbürgerungszusicherung ) and confirmation from the embassy of the country of origin.
    Only for foreign nationals who have had to surrender their national passport as part of a naturalisation process, or who have not received a new passport for this reason.
  • Proof of main residence in Berlin
    • Certificate of registration at the main residence or
    • lease and written confirmation of occupancy from the landlord


Please note:

  • The issuance of travel documents is always subject to fees, even in the case of eligibility for social benefits in accordance with SGB II, SGB Xll (Social Security Code) or the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act.
  • The fee must still be paid in full even if the application for re-issuance of the travel document is declined.
Travel document for foreign nationals
  • From the age of 24 years: 100.00 euros
  • As from the age of 24 years with regard to those granted subsidiary protection in the meaning of Section 4 of the Asylum Law or resettlement refugees in accordance with Section 23 para 4 of the German Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz): 60.00 euros
  • Until the age of 24 years: 97.00 euros
  • Until the age of 24 years with regard to those granted subsidiary protection in the meaning of Section 4 of the Asylum Law or resettlement refugees in accordance with Section 23 para 4 of the German Residence Act (Aufenthaltsgesetz): 38.00 euros
Travel documents for refugees and stateless persons
  • From the age of 24 years: 60.00 euros
  • Until the age of 24 years: 38.00 euros

Average time to process request

Delivery of the travel documents, which are manufactured at the Federal Printing Office, can take from four to six weeks.
We recommend applying for reissuing of the travel documents at least ten weeks before expiry of the validity of the current travel document.


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