Tax de-registration or re-registration of a company at the location Finanzamt Berlin International

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Changes in opening hours

Bitte vereinbaren Sie einen Termin unter (030) 9024 15-700 während der telefonischen Servicezeiten.

Transportation links

  • S Sonnenallee: M41, 171
  • Sonnenallee: S41, S42

Additional information

Die Zahlung von Steuern und Abgaben ist nur unbar durch Überweisung oder Einzahlung auf ein Konto des Finanzamts sowie mittels Hingabe/Übersendung von Schecks möglich. Verwaltungsgebühren können am Standort mit Girocard (ehemals ec-Karte), Debit- oder Kreditkarte der Anbieter Visa und Mastercard (jeweils mit PIN) bezahlt werden.

Telefonische Servicezeiten
Sie erreichen das Finanzamt telefonisch montags bis donnerstags von 8:00 bis 15:00 Uhr und freitags von 8:00 bis 13:00 Uhr.

Payment options

  • Girocard (mit PIN)

Service description

Tax de-registration or re-registration of a company

You have the fiscal obligation to inform the competent tax office immediately, if you are temporarily or permanently discontinuing any

  1. commercial activities,
  2. self-employed (freelance) activities,
  3. activities in the fields of agriculture or forestry,
  4. if you are terminating participation in a private company,
  5. if a corporation is liquidated,
  6. if an association is dissolved (e. g. construction or working committees).

In the case that a corporation, an association or assets are dissolved, such notification must be submitted within one month of the reportable event. The same applies in the case that the company management or offices are relocated.
For this purpose, a questionnaire for temporary or permanent de-registration or re-registration for tax purposes is provided by the financial authority for the federal state of Berlin. This template is also available from your competent tax office. To speed up the process, the template is available online for download.


  • No prerequisites

Documents required

  • + Contracts, resolutions
    Please submit any contracts or resolutions that relate to the de-registration or re-registration, along with the
    + completed template.


Free of charge

Notes on responsibility

Please note that the official language for all proceedings is German. We therefore ask you to submit any entries, notifications or applications in German only, to allow for them to be processed by the competent departments. These websites provided in English language are only intended for providing general information. They do not give rise to any legal right to handle processes in any other language.

Please submit the completed template to your current competent tax office, stating the existing tax number.