Gewerbe - Ausnahmen für die Versteigerung leicht verderblicher Waren auf Messen, Ausstellungen und Märkten beantragen

If you would like to auction perishable goods, e.g. foodstuffs, in the fair, exhibition and market trade, but do not have an auctioneer's permit, then apply for approval of an exemption.


Documents required

  • Application for approval of an exemption to auction perishable goods in the trade fair, exhibition and market sector
    Please submit an informal written application to the responsible public order office
  • Identity documents
    Identity card or other official identification document with photo.
    Residence permit if the applicant is not a national of an EU country.
  • Itinerant Trade Card
    Permission to operate an itinerant trade



Notes on responsibility

The responsible authority is the public order office of the district where the applicant resides.

Your point of contact

Please select a location to make an appointment

Please select a location first. Available Locations