Itinerant trade - apply for exemptions for the auction of perishable goods at the location Ordnungsamt - Gewerbeangelegenheiten Fröbelstraße Haus 6

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Opening hours

  • Tuesday

  • Thursday


Information for customers with an appointment

Die Sprechzeiten sind nur für Kunden mit einem Termin, oder nach vorheriger telefonischer Absprache.

Transportation links

  • Prenzlauer Allee : S 41, S 42, S 8, S 85
  • Fröbelstr. : M 2

Additional information

Wir bitten Sie, vorzugsweise die Möglichkeit der elektronischen Kommunikation (E-Mail, Telefon, AMS) zu nutzen und stehen Ihnen auf diesen Kommunikationswegen weiterhin sehr gerne zur Verfügung.

Service description

Itinerant trade - apply for exemptions for the auction of perishable goods

If you wish to auction perishable goods, e.g. foodstuffs, in a itinerant trade but do not have an auctioneer's licence, then apply for approval of an exemption.


Documents required

  • Application for approval of an exemption to auction perishable goods in an itinerant trade
    Please submit an informal written application to the responsible public order office
  • Identity documents
    Identity card or other official identification document with photo.
    Residence permit if the applicant is not a national of an EU country.
  • Itinerant Trade Card
    Permission to operate an itinerant trade



Notes on responsibility

The responsible authority is the public order office of the district where the applicant resides.