Recognition of foreign professional qualifications (EU/EEA/Switzerland) as a specialist psychotherapist am Standort Anerkennungsstelle für Fachpsychotherapeutenqualifikationen

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Recognition of foreign professional qualifications (EU/EEA/Switzerland) as a specialist psychotherapist

The profession of specialist psychotherapist is regulated in Germany. This means: You need a permit if you want to use the title "Specialist psychotherapist" for your specialisation in Berlin.

With the training as a specialist psychotherapist you have acquired an additional specialisation to your qualification as a psychotherapist abroad. To work as a psychotherapist in Germany, you first need a licence to practise or a professional permit that is valid in Germany. In order to work as a specialist psychotherapist in Germany, you must also apply for recognition of your further training as a specialist psychotherapist. With the recognition of your professional qualification, you may use the further training title for your specialisation as a specialist psychotherapist.

Note: You may only use the designation for your specialisation if there is a corresponding continuing education designation also in Germany. The permission will be granted by the responsible medical association in Berlin after examination of your documents and requirements.

1. You submit your application and the required documents to the Berlin Chamber of Psychotherapists. If necessary, you will be asked to submit any missing documents.

2. The automatic recognition procedure often applies. This means that your professional qualification is recognised without an individual equivalence check.
The competent body decides on the recognition of the area designation on the basis of a review of the further training success by means of a collegial expert discussion.
The review is carried out by a further training/examination committee of the competent body.

3. If the conditions for mutual recognition or equivalence are not met, the competent authority will check whether your professional qualification is equivalent.

3.1. The professional qualification is equivalent if there are no significant differences between your foreign professional qualification and the German professional qualification.
If your specialist psychotherapist qualification is recognised, you can work in the profession in Germany. You will receive a notification.

3.2. If significant differences are found, the equivalence of your psychotherapist specialist qualification will not be certified. You will then receive notification of the differences in your professional qualifications. You can complete an aptitude test or an adjustment course to compensate for the differences.

Aptitude test:
The purpose of the test is to determine whether you have acquired the special or additional knowledge and skills required for recognition.
  • You will be examined orally in front of an examination board, usually for 30 minutes.
  • You will then receive written notification of the result of the examination. The exam may be repeated a maximum of two times.

Adjustment course:
The adaptation course is a practical post-qualification and serves to deepen knowledge and skills in diagnosing and treating mental and psychosomatic disorders with disease value in people by means of scientifically recognised psychotherapeutic procedures.
  • The competent body decides on the content, duration and implementation.
  • A certificate will be issued to you upon completion of the course.

If you successfully complete the adaptation course or pass the aptitude test, you will receive permission to use the professional title "Specialist psychotherapist" for your specialisation.

4. You can take legal action against the decision of the competent body within a certain period of time (e.g. file an objection). The decision will then be reviewed. Details on this can be found in the appeal instructions at the end of your decision. We recommend that you first talk to the competent authority before taking legal action against the decision.


  • License to practice medicine/ approbation
    You must already have a state professional licence (Approbation) valid in Germany as a psychotherapist or a professional permit.
  • Equivalence of your professional qualification
    If your degree is not automatically recognised, you must prove the equivalence of your professional qualification as a specialist psychotherapist.
  • For the online application: registration/login to the service account Berlin (Service-Konto Berlin)

Documents required

  • Application for recognition
    Application for recognition online possible to submit;
    or you submit an informal written application by post.
    • For the online application: Please have all the required documents and evidence ready to upload in PDF, JPG, JPEG or PNG format. A single file can be no larger than 10 MB.
  • Curriculum vitae
    Резюме в табличній формі з детальною інформацією про подальшу освіту та професійний досвід заповнене
  • Proof of identity
    Посвідчення особи або паспорт
  • License to practice medicine or professional permit
    Підтвердження німецької ліцензії на медичну практику або професійного дозволу та підтвердження еквівалентного рівня підготовки
  • Proof of qualifications
    Свідоцтва про підвищення кваліфікації та сертифікати про професійну практику
  • Declaration on previous professional recognition procedures
    Декларація про те, чи ви вже подавали заяву на визнання до іншої палати психотерапевтів
  • German translation
    If your documents are not in German, you must submit German translations of your documents. The translations must be made by translators who are publicly appointed or authorized.


від 280,00 до 500,00 євро, залежно від зусиль можуть виникнути додаткові збори

Average time to process request

Usually within 4 months after receipt of the complete documents

Hinweise zur Zuständigkeit

Заява про визнання іноземної професійної кваліфікації спеціаліста-психотерапевта подається до Берлінської палати психотерапевтів.


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