Apply for recognition of foreign professional qualifications (third country/ Non-EU countries) as a specialist pharmacist

The profession of specialist pharmacist is regulated in Germany. This means: You need a permit if you want to use the title “Fachapotheker” or “Fachapotheker” for your specialization in Berlin.

With the training as a pharmacist specialist, you have acquired an additional pharmaceutical specialization to your qualification as a pharmacist abroad. To work as a pharmacist in Germany, you first need a license to practice medicine or a professional permit that is valid in Germany. In order to work as a pharmacist specialist in Germany, you must also apply for recognition of your further training as a specialist pharmacist. With the recognition of your professional qualification, you may use the continuing education title for your specialization as a pharmacist specialist .

Note: You may only use the designation for your specialization if there is a corresponding continuing education designation also in Germany.
The permission will be granted by the responsible Chamber of Pharmacists Berlin after examination of your documents and prerequisites when applying in Berlin.

1. you submit your application and the required documents to the Berlin Chamber of Pharmacists.
If necessary, you will be asked to submit any missing documents.

2. the competent authority checks whether your professional qualification is equivalent. The professional qualification is equivalent if there are no significant differences between your foreign professional qualification and the German professional qualification.

3.1 If your specialist pharmacist qualification is recognized, you can work in the profession in Germany. You will receive a notification.

3.2 If deficiencies in knowledge of pharmaceutical practice and special areas of law for pharmacists are found, you will not be certified as having the same qualifications as a pharmacist. You will receive a notice of the differences in your professional qualification.
You will then be able to take a knowledge exam to determine equivalency. *If you successfully pass the examination, you will receive permission to use the professional title "Fachapothekerin" or "Fachapotheker" for your specialization.

4. You can take legal action against the decision of the competent authority within one month (for example, file an objection). We recommend that you first talk to the competent authority before taking legal action against the decision.

You can also access this service online

Online processing

  • Do it online now
    You do not need to register for online processing and can submit the application directly online.


Documents required

  • Application for recognition
    You can submit an application online or informally in writing by post.
  • Curriculum vitae
    Curriculum vitae in tabular form with details of further training courses completed and professional practice
  • Proof of identity
    Identity card or passport
  • License to practice medicine or professional permit
    Proof of German license to practice medicine/ approbation or professional license and proof of equivalent level of education and training
  • Proof of qualifications
    Further education certificates and certificates of professional practice
  • Declaration on previous professional recognition procedures
    Explanation of whether you have already submitted an application for recognition to another Chamber of Pharmacy
  • German translation
    If your documents are not in German, you must submit German translations of your documents. The translations must be made by translators who are publicly appointed or authorized.


  • EUR 150,00 to EUR 1.600,00 per effort

Average time to process request

Usually within 4 months after receipt of complete documentation.

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