Aktuelle Sprache: en
Weapons legislation – Applying for/changing a licence for operating a mobile shooting range at the location Waffenbehörde

- Polizei Berlin
- Waffenbehörde
- Platz der Luftbrücke 6 , 12101 Berlin
- Tel.: (030) 4664-951410
- Fax: (030) 4664-951499
- E-mail: waffenbehoerde@polizei.berlin.de
- Home page
Opening hours
09:00-13:00 Uhr
Public transportation
Train (S-Bahn)
S+U Tempelhof
- S45
- S46
- S41
- S42
S+U Yorckstr.
- S2
- S25
- S26
S+U Tempelhof
- 248
U Platz der Luftbrücke
- 248
- N42
- M43
- N6
Information on the address of this location
Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass bei großem Besucherandrang ggf. der Zugang zur Waffenbehörde bereits vor dem Ende der Sprechzeit geschlossen werden muss.Bitte nutzen Sie daher weiterhin die Möglichkeiten, Anträge, Anzeigen, etc. per E-Mail, im Online-Verfahren oder per Post zu übersenden bzw. bei der Hauswache abzugeben.
Nach der geltenden Hausordnung werden alle Besucherinnen und Besucher durch den Sicherheits- und Ordnungsdienst einer Sicherheitskontrolle unterzogen.
Das Gebäude darf nicht mit Waffen, verbotenen oder gefährlichen Gegenständen betreten werden. Im Falle des Mitführens sind diese Gegenstände beim Sicherheits- und Ordnungsdienst anzuzeigen und in Verwahrung zu geben.
Payment options
- Eine Bezahlung ist nicht vorgesehen
Service description
Weapons legislation – Applying for/changing a licence for operating a mobile shooting range
Approval from the competent weapons authority is required for operating a mobile shooting range. You will also need permission if you wish to make any significant changes to the condition or type of use of a mobile shooting range.
A mobile shooting range is a facility that is used for
Furthermore, the operating licence is linked to safety requirements that must be observed by the holder of the licence or their representatives (so-called range guards).
A mobile shooting range is a facility that is used for
- sports shooting,
- other types shooting practice using firearms,
- firearms testing, or
- shooting firearms for entertainment purposes.
- with which types of guns,
- from what distance and
- for what purpose
Furthermore, the operating licence is linked to safety requirements that must be observed by the holder of the licence or their representatives (so-called range guards).
You can also access this service online
Online processing
The shooting range is mobile
A different application is needed for operating a stationary shooting range (see “More information”). - Minimum age: 18 years
- Reliability
- Personal suitability
- Liability insurance and accident insurance
Are you planning to make changes to the mobile shooting range?
- Concerning its condition
- Concerning the type of use
Inspection by recognised experts before initial operation
Shooting ranges must be inspected by a state approved shooting range expert before initial operation and at regular intervals thereafter. The operator must bear the costs of the inspections.
Documents required
Application for operating/changing the condition/type of use of a mobile shooting range
Can be completed online; or you can use the form.
- Online processing: please keep all required documents and certificates ready for upload in PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG or DOCX format. The files should be named as follows: firstname_surname_description.pdf
- As an alternative, you may submit the application by postal mail or e-mail: please post or email the signed application and all certificates and personal documents to the weapons authority of the Berlin police.
Identity card or passport
As a photocopy or photograph - Safety-related report by a recognised expert
When used for shooting as entertainment: evidence of existing liability insurance cover
Liability insurance with the statutory minimum coverage (EUR 500,000 for personal injuries, EUR 150,000 for material damage) according to §1 section 2 no. 2 section 3 no. 2 of the liability insurance ordinance for travelling performers. -
When used for other reasons: evidence of existing liability and accident insurance cover
Liability and accident insurance with the statutory minimum coverage. The minimum insurance sum is 1 million euros
- as a lump sum for personal injuries and damage to property
- and for accidents involving damage due to operating the shooting range to individuals involved in organising the shooting business at a minimum of EUR 10,000 in the event of death and EUR 100,000 in the event of disability.
The application is subject to a fee. You will receive a notification of charges. Further processing will take place after receipt of payment.
- EUR 228.00 to 597.00: granting of permission
- EUR 195.00 to 220.00: every six years, for regular inspection of the shooting range
- Costs for involvement of an expert appraiser
- EUR 61.00: every three years, for regular reliability reviews, if this has not taken place in another context
Legal basis
More information
- Information sheet about storing weapons and ammunition
- Weapons authority of the Berlin police
- Information about weapons legislation – Information sheet for parents and teachers
- Information sheet for individuals who have inherited weapons
- Weapons legislation – Applying for a licence for operating a stationary shooting range