Aktuelle Sprache: en
Weapons legislation – Applying for/renewing a firearms licence for the security industry at the location Waffenbehörde

- Polizei Berlin
- Waffenbehörde
- Platz der Luftbrücke 6 , 12101 Berlin
- Tel.: (030) 4664-951410
- Fax: (030) 4664-951499
- E-mail: waffenbehoerde@polizei.berlin.de
- Home page
Opening hours
09:00-13:00 Uhr
Public transportation
Train (S-Bahn)
S+U Tempelhof
- S45
- S46
- S41
- S42
S+U Yorckstr.
- S2
- S25
- S26
S+U Tempelhof
- 248
U Platz der Luftbrücke
- 248
- N42
- M43
- N6
Information on the address of this location
Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass bei großem Besucherandrang ggf. der Zugang zur Waffenbehörde bereits vor dem Ende der Sprechzeit geschlossen werden muss.Bitte nutzen Sie daher weiterhin die Möglichkeiten, Anträge, Anzeigen, etc. per E-Mail, im Online-Verfahren oder per Post zu übersenden bzw. bei der Hauswache abzugeben.
Nach der geltenden Hausordnung werden alle Besucherinnen und Besucher durch den Sicherheits- und Ordnungsdienst einer Sicherheitskontrolle unterzogen.
Das Gebäude darf nicht mit Waffen, verbotenen oder gefährlichen Gegenständen betreten werden. Im Falle des Mitführens sind diese Gegenstände beim Sicherheits- und Ordnungsdienst anzuzeigen und in Verwahrung zu geben.
Payment options
- Eine Bezahlung ist nicht vorgesehen
Service description
Weapons legislation – Applying for/renewing a firearms licence for the security industry
You need a firearms licence for the security industry and an arms possession card for carrying firearms subject to a licence if you intend to perform or provide support for security activities, such as protection of people or property or transport of money and valuables. The licence for carrying a weapon is valid for a limited period of up to three years and can be renewed twice for up to three years each.
Employees that act based on instructions need a firearms licence only, and no arms possession card. If you are an employee in the security industry, the issued firearms licence is handed over to the responsible person acting on behalf of your employer.
Security activities for which no licence is required
The following services can be applied for:
Employees that act based on instructions need a firearms licence only, and no arms possession card. If you are an employee in the security industry, the issued firearms licence is handed over to the responsible person acting on behalf of your employer.
Security activities for which no licence is required
- No firearms licence for the security industry is required for security activities that are performed on enclosed property with approval of the person who has the right to determine who shall be allowed or denied access.
- However, a declaration of consent from the authority is needed, stating that there are no objections regarding the provision of company weapons for performing security activities for which no licence is required.
The following services can be applied for:
- Issuance of a firearms licence
- Renewal of an existing firearms licence before expiration of its validity period
- Renewal of an existing firearms licence after expiration of its validity period: legally this is not considered a renewal but re-granting. Higher charges may apply in this case. Please select the “renewal” option in your application also in this case.
You can also access this service online
Online processing
- Minimum age: 25 years
- Reliability
- Personal suitability
- Competency test
Necessity according to weapons legislation
Weapons Act (WaffG) §10, §28
Documents required
Antrag auf Ausstellung/Verlänerung eines Waffenscheins für das Bewachungsgewerbe
Can be completed online; or you can use the form.
- Online processing: please keep all required documents and certificates ready for upload in PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG or DOCX format. The files should be named as follows: firstname_surname_description.pdf
- As an alternative, you may submit the application by postal mail or e-mail: please post or email the signed application and all certificates and personal documents to the weapons authority of the Berlin police.
Identity card or passport
As a photocopy or photograph -
Proof of competence
Official certificate of competence or a certificate from an officially approved commercial competence training provider. The certificate of competence must meet the current requirements pursuant to §1 AWaffV. This is generally the case if the competency test was taken after 1 April 2003. -
Proof of need
Security service contracts or proposals that explicitly reflect the type and scope of the security activities and the persons, objects or assets that are to be protected. - Details of the weapons that are to be entered in the firearms licence (if known)
Certificate issued by the employer (e.g. photocopy of the employment contract)
For applicants who are employees in the security industry
Certificate from the employer:
- Of an ongoing employment relationship and involvement in an activity for which a weapon must be carried. The certificate must contain information regarding the type of employment (full-time or part-time) and whether the employment relationship is permanent or limited in duration. Information that is not relevant may be blacked out.
- Including information about the type of security work that is to be carried out (money transport, transport of valuables, protection of property, protection of people)
- Including details of the weapon(s) that is/are to be carried (if known)
The application is subject to a fee. A notification of charges will be issued. Further processing will take place after receipt of payment. Up to 50% of the fees will be charged in the event of a negative decision.
For transport of money and valuables:
- EUR 59.00: issuance provided that the applicant is authorised to acquire and possess the gun due to the same need as the arms possession card
- EUR 75.00: issuance provided that the applicant is authorised to acquire and possess the gun due to a different need than the arms possession card
- EUR 59.00: issuance provided that the applicant is authorised to acquire and possess the gun due to the same need as the arms possession card
- EUR 173.00: issuance provided that the applicant is authorised to acquire and possess the gun due to a different need
- EUR 44.00 to 156.00: for renewal
- EUR 59.00 to 170.00: for re-granting