Weapons legislation – Reporting the loss of weapons, ammunition or documents at the location Waffenbehörde

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Opening hours

  • Thursday

      09:00-13:00 Uhr

Public transportation

Information on the address of this location

Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass bei großem Besucherandrang ggf. der Zugang zur Waffenbehörde bereits vor dem Ende der Sprechzeit geschlossen werden muss.
Bitte nutzen Sie daher weiterhin die Möglichkeiten, Anträge, Anzeigen, etc. per E-Mail, im Online-Verfahren oder per Post zu übersenden bzw. bei der Hauswache abzugeben.

Nach der geltenden Hausordnung werden alle Besucherinnen und Besucher durch den Sicherheits- und Ordnungsdienst einer Sicherheitskontrolle unterzogen.

Das Gebäude darf nicht mit Waffen, verbotenen oder gefährlichen Gegenständen betreten werden. Im Falle des Mitführens sind diese Gegenstände beim Sicherheits- und Ordnungsdienst anzuzeigen und in Verwahrung zu geben.

Payment options

  • Eine Bezahlung ist nicht vorgesehen

Service description

Weapons legislation – Reporting the loss of weapons, ammunition or documents

If you have found that weapons requiring a licence, essential weapon parts, ammunition, licensing documents according to weapons legislation or a valid hunting licence were lost, you must inform (notify) the weapons authority immediately upon becoming aware of such loss. This rule applies independently of any reports filed with the police due to theft etc.

The weapons, weapon parts, licensing documents under weapons legislation or hunting licences which you report as missing will be added to the list of stolen items that are to be traced.

The weapons authority must be informed immediately, if any items that you have reported as missing are found again fully or in part. Delays in reporting may result in a fine.

Applying for a replacement copy
  • If you have lost a licensing document such as an arms possession card, hunting licence, alarm gun licence or weapons trading permit for which you need a replacement copy, you must apply for such copy separately (see “More information”).
  • If you have found that weapons requiring a licence, essential weapon parts, ammunition, licensing documents according to weapons legislation or a valid hunting licence were lost, you must inform (notify) the weapons authority immediately upon becoming aware of such loss. This rule applies independently of any reports filed with the police due to theft etc.

You can also access this service online

Online processing


  • Lost weapons/weapon parts, documents or ammunition
    Weapons for which a licence is required, weapon parts, ammunition, a licensing document according to weapons legislation or a valid hunting licence were lost (stolen, lost, cannot be found).
  • You were granted an arms or hunting licence.

Documents required

  • Report of loss or theft of firearms, ammunition or licensing certificates
    • Online processing: please keep all required documents and certificates ready for upload in PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG or DOCX format. The files should be named as follows: firstname_surname_description.pdf
    • As an alternative, you may submit the application by postal mail or e-mail: please post or email the signed application and all certificates and personal documents to the weapons authority of the Berlin police.
  • Details of weapons/weapon parts, ammunition or licensing documents at the time of loss
  • Identity card or passport
    As a photocopy or photograph
  • Any licensing documents according to weapons legislation
    If you have lost weapons and/or essential weapon parts, you must arrange for the arms possession card and the European Firearms Pass (if you were issued one) to be corrected by the weapons authority.
    • You must mail the licensing documents to the weapons authority or hand them over in person.



Average time to process request

The weapons authority will contact the person who filed the report without being prompted to do so.