Admission to the Bar - Permission to use the title of specialist lawyer am Standort Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin

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  • This facility is fully accessible to wheelchairs.
  • An elevator fully accessible to wheelchairs is available.
  • A WC fully accessible to wheelchairs is available.
Explanation of symbols

Ein ausgewiesener Behindertenparkplatz befindet sich beim Amtsgericht Mitte (Littenstraße 12-17, 10179 Berlin).

Opening hours

  • Monday

      08:00-12:00 Uhr
      13:00-16:00 Uhr
  • Tuesday

      08:00-12:00 Uhr
      13:00-16:00 Uhr
  • Wednesday

      08:00-12:00 Uhr
      13:00-16:00 Uhr
  • Thursday

      08:00-12:00 Uhr
      13:00-16:00 Uhr
  • Friday

      08:00-13:00 Uhr


Payment options

  • Barzahlung


Admission to the Bar - Permission to use the title of specialist lawyer

In order to obtain a specialist lawyer title, an application must be submitted to the competent bar association.


  • Acquisition of special knowledge and experience in a field of law
    The prerequisite for the award of the specialist lawyer title is the acquisition of special knowledge and experience in the field of law for which the specialist lawyer title is applied for.
  • Requirements for the legal profession
    The requirement for the award of a specialist lawyer title is three years of admission and practice within the last six years prior to the submission of the application in accordance with the Specialist Lawyers' Act.

Documents required

  • Application
    (under "Forms")
    A written application for the granting of a specialist lawyer's licence must be submitted.
  • Proof of special theoretical knowledge
    As a rule, the special theoretical knowledge within the meaning of § 43 c BRAO is acquired pursuant to § 4 (1) FAO by attending a specialised course. Successful attendance of the course shall be evidenced by the documents referred to therein pursuant to § 6 FAO.
  • Proof of the special practical experience
    The requirements for proof of special practical experience result from section 5 t) in conjunction with section 14 m FAO. Proof should be provided in the form of a case list pursuant to § 6 (3) FAO, which contains internal or court file numbers
  • Proof of payment of fees
    Proof of fee payment must be submitted.



480,00 Euro

Average time to process request

approx.3 weeks

Hinweise zur Zuständigkeit

The Berlin Bar Association is responsible for the application for the granting of a specialist lawyer's licence.


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