Craft - Apply for deletion from the register of craft trades, the register of trades not requiring authorisation and the register of trades similar to craft trades

If you wish to have your entry in the register of craftsmen or in the register of craftsmen's trades that do not require a licence or in the register of trades similar to crafts, you must deregister with the relevant Chamber of Crafts.

You must have your entry deleted at the relevant Chamber of Crafts, at:
  • Closure of your business
  • Relocation/transfer of the business to another Chamber of Crafts district outside Berlin
  • Death of the owner or transfer of the holding to a new owner
  • Company reorganization/change of legal form
  • Economic reasons such as financial difficulties, insolvency
  • Abandonment of a craft in case of multiple entries.

With completed deletion, the authorization to exercise the respective craft or trade-like business expires.

You can also access this service online

Online processing


  • You are registered in the register of craftsmen or in the register of crafts that do not require a licence or in the register of crafts-like trades at the Chamber of Crafts.

Documents required

  • Application for deletion
    Deletion may take place at the earliest on the date on which the
    termination of the commercial activity (incoming mail). Retroactive deletion is not possible for legal reasons.
  • If applicable, confirmation of business de-registration
    Please enclose a copy of the confirmed business registration from the responsible trade/regulation office, if you stop your business completely.
  • Return of the original craft or trade card
    The craft or trade card must be returned in the original. A personal appearance is not necessary.



Notes on responsibility

The deletion must be submitted to the Berlin Chamber of Crafts (Handwerkskammer Berlin) in the case of companies with their registered office or commercial branch in the Berlin Chamber of Crafts district.

Please note:
The sole registration of a trade with the Trade Licensing Office does not automatically lead to the deletion of your entry in the Register of Craftsmen, in the Register of Crafts that do not require a licence or in the Register of Crafts-like businesses with the Chamber of Crafts.

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