Intermediary Register IHK - Change

The Chambers of Industry and Commerce keep a register of intermediaries.

Holders of one of the following licences must be entered in this register:
  • Insurance Intermediaries (§ 34 d GewO),
  • Insurance consultant (§ 34 d GewO),
  • Financial investment brokers (§ 34 f GewO),
  • Fee-based financial investment consultant (§ 34 h GewO) and
  • Real estate loan broker (§ 34 i GewO)
as soon as you become active in a commercial capacity.

The register contains the following data:
  • For natural persons: surname, first name, date of birth and name of the company
  • For legal entities: the surnames and first names of the natural persons responsible for the intermediary activities within the body of the undertaking responsible for the management of the undertaking
  • Type of permit
  • Address of the competent registration authority
  • In which EU and EEA Contracting States the applicant will be active
  • Addresses of possible branches abroad
  • Company address
  • Register number
  • In the case of tied and product-processor insurance intermediaries: the insurance undertaking assuming liability.
If your details have changed, please notify the relevant Chamber of Industry and Commerce so that your details in the intermediary register are always up to date.


  • You are already entered in the intermediary register and your details have changed.

Documents required


EUR 20,00 to EUR 35,00 per person

Notes on responsibility

For commercial enterprises based in Berlin, the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce is responsible for registering the changes in the intermediary register.

Your point of contact