Crafts - Assessment of the equivalence of foreign professional qualifications in crafts that require a licence (master craftsman examination)
53 of these professions are summarised as crafts requiring authorisation in Annex A of the Crafts Code:
- Optician (m/f/d)
- Baker (m/f/d)
- Vessel and equipment constructor (m/f/d)
- Cooper (master craftsman qualification) (m/f/d)
- Boat Builder (master craftsperson) (m/f/d)
- Well builder (m/f/d)
- Gunsmith (m/f/d)
- Surgical instrument maker (m/f/d)
- Roofer (m/f/d)
- Turner (ivory carver) and wooden toy maker (master craftsman qualification) (m/f/d)
- Electrical Machine Engineer (master craftsperson) (m/f/d)
- Electrics Technician (master craftsperson) (m/f/d)
- Screed layer (m/f/d)
- Precision machinist (m/f/d)
- Butcher (m/f/d)
- Tile and mosaic layer (m/f/d)
- Hairdresser (m/f/d)
- Scaffolder (m/f/d)
- Glass Blower and Glass Apparatus Maker (m/f/d)
- Glazier (m/f/d)
- Glass finisher (m/f/d)
- Hearing aid audiologist (m/f/d)
- Communication Technician (master craftsperson) (m/f/d)
- Installer and Heating Fitter (master craftsperson) (m/f/d)
- Refrigeration Mechanic (m/f/d)
- Coachbuilder (m/f/d)
- Tinsmith (m/f/d)
- Pastry cook (m/f/d)
- Automotive Mechatronics Technician (m/f/d)
- Mechatronics for Agricultural and Construction Machinery (m/f/d)
- Painter and varnisher (m/f/d)
- Bricklayer and concrete specialist (m/f/d)
- Vulcaniser and tyre mechanic (m/f/d)
- Metalworker (m/f/d)
- Builder of stoves and air heating systens (m/f/d)
- Organ and harmonium maker (m/f/d)
- Maker of orthopaedic footwear (m/f/d)
- Orthotic Technician (m/f/d)
- Parquet layer (m/f/d)
- Interior decorator (m/f/d)
- Roller shutter and sunshade mechatronic technician (master craftsman qualification) (m/f/d)
- Sign and luminous advertisement maker (m/f/d)
- Chimney sweep (m/f/d)
- Ropemaker (m/f/d)
- Stonemason and sculptor (m/f/d)
- Road builder (m/f/d)
- Stuccoist (m/f/d)
- Joiner (m/f/d)
- Thermal and noise insulation fitter (m/f/d)
- Master craftsman in cast stone and terrazzo manufacture (m/f/d)
- Dental technician (m/f/d)
- Carpenter (m/f/d)
- Motorbike and Bicycle Mechanic (m/f/d)
This means that you may only work in these professions on a permanent basis if you are entered in the register of craftsmen. To be entered in the register of craftsmen, you must provide proof of a specific qualification in the respective craft trade (master craftsman title).
You can also be entered in the Register of Craftsmen with a professional qualification from another country. For this, you must have your professional qualification recognised by the Chamber of Crafts. In the recognition procedure, the Chamber of Crafts compares your foreign professional qualification with the German professional qualification.
The recognition procedure is called "equivalence assessment".
What is an equivalence assessment?
You have the right to a recognition procedure. The procedure is called "equivalence assessment".
The competent Chamber of Crafts checks whether your professional qualification is equivalent to the German professional qualification (the master craftsman's examination under German craft law). The competent authority compares the qualifications using certain criteria. Important criteria are the content and duration of the training. The competent Chamber of Crafts also takes your professional experience, your other certificates of competence and qualifications into account when assessing equivalence.
You will receive notification of the result of the procedure. The notification will state any existing and any missing professional qualifications. However, you will not receive a master craftsman title.
After a successful equivalence assessment, you can be entered in the Register of Craftsmen (see More information) and start working permanently and independently in this profession that requires a licence.
1. If you would like to work in the skilled crafts sector in Berlin, submit an application for equivalence assessment to the relevant Berlin Chamber of Crafts. You can also submit the application for equivalence assessment online from another country. The responsible Chamber of Crafts will inform you which documents may need to be submitted as certified copies. Please do not send any originals by post. If documents are not available in German, a German translation is also required.
2 The Chamber of Crafts will check the documents and determine whether and to what extent your professional qualification from abroad is equivalent to the German professional qualification in the skilled crafts sector.
3. After paying the administrative fees, you will receive a notification with the result of the recognition assessment procedure. Possible results may be
- a.) You will be recognised if your professional qualification and the German professional qualification are equivalent.
- b.) Sometimes there are significant differences between the professional qualifications. The differences are listed in your notification. You can use this decision to obtain further qualifications and later submit a new application for equivalence assessment.
- c.) If your professional qualification is not equivalent at all, you will not be recognised.
- This recognition procedure is mainly suitable for third-country nationals.
- For nationals of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland, there is another recognition procedure: The granting of an exceptional authorisation in accordance with Section 9 (1) No. 1 HwO (see More information).
- Regardless of the equivalence check, if you want to start self-employed work in the skilled crafts sector in Berlin, you must register with the relevant Chamber of Crafts in the register of skilled crafts requiring authorisation (Handwerksrolle). These are different procedures, more information can be found below under " More information".
You can also access this service online
Online processing
- Augenoptiker oder Augenoptikerin (Optician or optometrist)
- Bäcker oder Bäckerin (Baker)
- Behälter- und Apparatebauer oder -bauerin (Tank and apparatus builder)
- Böttcher oder Böttcherin (Cooper)
- Boots- und Schiffbauer oder Schiffbauerin (Boat and shipbuilder)
- Brunnenbauer oder Brunnenbauerin (Well builder)
- Büchsenmacher oder Büchsenmacherin (Gunsmith)
- Chirurgiemechaniker oder Chirurgiemechanikerin (Surgical mechanic)
- Dachdecker oder Dachdeckerin (Roofer)
- Drechsler/in (Elfenbeinschnitzer/in) und Holzspielzeugmacher/in (Wood turner (ivory carver) and wooden toy maker)
- Elektromaschinenbauer oder Elektromaschinenbauerin (Electrical machine builder)
- Elektrotechniker oder Elektrotechnikerin (Electrical technician)
- Estrichleger oder Estrichlegerin (Screed layer)
- Feinwerkmechaniker oder Feinwerkmechanikerin (Precision mechanic)
- Fleischer oder Fleischerin (Butcher)
- Fliesen-, Platten- und Mosaikleger oder -legerin (Tile, slab and mosaic layer)
- Friseur oder Friseurin (Hairdresser or barber)
- Gerüstbauer oder Gerüstbauerin (Scaffolder)
- Glasbläser und Glasapparatebauer oder Glasbläserin und Glasapparatebauerin (Glassblower and glass apparatus maker)
- Glaser oder Glaserin (Glazier)
- Glasveredler oder Glasveredlerin (Glass refiner)
- Hörakustiker oder Hörakustikerin (Hearing aid acoustician)
- Informationstechniker oder Informationstechnikerin (Information technician)
- Installateur und Heizungsbauer oder Installateurin und Heizungsbauerin (Plumber and heating engineer)
- Kälteanlagenbauer oder Kälteanlagenbauerin (Refrigeration plant engineer)
- Karosserie- und Fahrzeugbauer oder Fahrzeugbauerin (Car body and vehicle builder)
- Klempner oder Klempnerin (Plumber)
- Konditor oder Konditorin (Confectioner)
- Kraftfahrzeugtechniker oder Kraftfahrzeugtechnikerin (Motor vehicle technician)
- Land- und Baumaschinenmechatroniker oder Land- und Baumaschinenmechatronikerin (Agricultural and construction machinery mechatronics technician)
- Maler und Lackierer oder Malerin und Lackiererin (Painter and varnisher)
- Maurer und Betonbauer oder Maurerin und Betonbauerin (Bricklayer and concrete worker)
- Mechaniker oder Mechanikerin für Reifen- und Vulkanisationstechnik (Mechanic for tyre and vulcanisation technology)
- Metallbauer oder Metallbauerin (Metal worker)
- Ofen- und Luftheizungsbauer oder Luftheizungsbauerin (Stove and air heating fitter or air heating fitter)
- Orgel- und Harmoniumbauer oder -bauerin (Organ and harmonium builder)
- Orthopädieschuhmacher oder Orthopädieschuhmacherin (Orthopaedic shoemaker)
- Orthopädietechniker oder Orthopädietechnikerin (Orthopaedic technician)
- Parkettleger oder Parkettlegerin (Parquet layer)
- Raumausstatter oder Raumausstatterin (Interior decorator)
- Rollladen- und Sonnenschutztechniker oder -technikerin (Roller shutter and sun protection technician)
- Schilder- und Lichtreklamehersteller oder -herstellerin (Sign and illuminated sign maker or manufacturer)
- Schornsteinfeger oder Schornsteinfegerin (Chimney sweeper)
- Seiler oder Seilerin (Seiler or ropemaker)
- Steinmetz und Steinbildhauer oder Steinmetzin und Steinbildhauerin (Stonemason and stone sculptor)
- Straßenbauer oder Straßenbauerin (Road builder)
- Stukkateur oder Stukkateurin (Plasterer or stuccoer)
- Tischler oder Tischlerin (Joiner or carpenter)
- Wärme-, Kälte- und Schallschutzisolierer oder Schallschutzisoliererin (Heat, cold and sound insulator)
- Werkstein- und Terrazzohersteller oder -herstellerin (Manufacturers of engineered stone and terrazzo)
- Zahntechniker oder Zahntechnikerin (Dental technician)
- Zimmerer oder Zimmererin (Carpenter or joiner)
Zweiradmechaniker oder Zweiradmechanikerin (Two-wheel mechanic)
You do not need to register for online processing and you can submit the application directly online. Select the desired craft profession.
Training of foreign craftsmen
You have formal training in crafts from abroad. -
Place of activity in Berlin
You want to work in Berlin in the corresponding trade. -
Documents and translations
You must submit your documents in German. The translations must be done by publicly appointed or authorized translators.
Documents required
Application for a declaration of equivalence between the foreign professional qualification and the German reference profession
You can apply online or in writing by post -
Proof of identity
Suitable proof of identity is, for example, a passport (passport substitute), all European identity cards or a convention passport.
Your proof was not issued in German? Then please also enclose a German translation.
The following information must be legible in Latin letters on the proof, e.g. in the translation of the proof of identity: Surname, first name, place of birth, date of birth. The proof of identity should include a photo of you and your signature. -
Curriculum vitae
The curriculum vitae (CV) or résumé should provide a tabular overview of your:
1. training programmes ( professional training, academic training, school education)
2. further training
3. previous jobs
The CV must be written in German. -
Training certificates
Submit your proof of professional qualification. This can be, for example: examination and degree certificates, professional certificate, diploma certificate, Bachelor's and/or Master's certificate or comparable documents. If available, also enclose evidence of the content and duration of your training. These can be, for example Diploma Supplement, the Transcript of Records, the Relevé de Notes, the study book, the examination regulations as well as subject and grade overviews or comparable documents.
Your certificate was not issued in German? Then please also enclose a German translation. -
Proof of professional experience
Certification of the type and duration of your relevant professional experience. This includes, for example, references, work books, professional training or comparable documents.
Was your certificate not issued in German? Then please also enclose a German translation. -
If applicable, a certificate from the State of training
If the profession is regulated in your country of training: a certificate stating that you are authorised to practise the profession in your country of training. The certificate must be issued by the competent authority in your country of training.
Was your certificate not issued in German? Then please also enclose a German translation. -
If applicable, proof of name change
If your first name or surname no longer matches the name on your professional qualification certificate (e.g. due to marriage, change of nationality, change of gender or similar reasons), please enclose official proof of the name change with your application. This can be a birth certificate, marriage certificate, naturalisation certificate or other suitable proof of the name change.
Was your proof not issued in German? Then please also enclose a German translation. -
If applicable, declaration or proof of previous applications for equivalence assessment
A declaration that you have not yet submitted an application for equivalence assessment or, if applicable, documents relating to previous applications for equivalence assessment submitted to other competent authorities.
- Mostly up to about EUR 600.
- The Chamber of Crafts will inform you about the costs. The costs generally depend on the amount of work involved and are due immediately upon receipt of the notification of fees.
- Additional costs may possibly arise for you (e.g. for translations or certification of your documents). These costs vary from case to case.
Legal basis
- Crafts Code (HwO) § 50b
- Crafts Code (HwO) § 50c
- Crafts Code (HwO) Annex A List of crafts that can be operated as crafts requiring a licence
- Professional Qualification Determination Act (BQFG) §§ 9-13
- Professional Qualification Determination Act (BQFG) § 8 sec. 1 no. 2
- Fee schedule of the Berlin Chamber of Crafts
- List of fees of the Berlin Chamber of Crafts
Average time to process request
Approx. 3 months, if all documents are complete.
More information
- Foreign qualifications (Berlin Chamber of Crafts)
- Information on the recognition of foreign professional qualifications on "Recognition in Germany"
- Information on the recognition of foreign professional qualifications on the BQ-Portal (Information portal for foreign professional qualifications)
- Point of Single Contact Berlin
- Brochure Recognition of foreign professional qualifications in the skilled crafts sector from the Federal Ministry of Economics
- User Guide to the Professional Recognition Directive
- Financial assistance in the recognition procedure (recognition in Germany)
- List of publicly appointed translators in Germany (Justice Portal)
- Crafts - Apply for entry in the register of craftsmen (service)
- Crafts - Apply for an exemption authorisation for entry in the register of craftsmen as an EU/EEA citizen or Swiss national
Notes on responsibility
The Berlin Chamber of Crafts is responsible for determining equivalence in the craft trades subject to authorisation in the case of intended activities in Berlin. The Chamber of Crafts will provide you with advice even before the application is made and will identify the appropriate occupation in the craft trade sector for you.
The Chamber of Crafts will inform you which documents you have to submit in original or as certified copy or as simple copy.
Your point of contact
Service hotline 115
Bürgertelefon 115 - Ihr telefonischer Zugang zur Verwaltung: (030) 115; Montag - Freitag, 07:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Mehr Informationen