Aktuelle Sprache: en
Chancery Duty - Request for Exemption
In principle, there is a duty to run a law firm. Under certain circumstances (in the case of particular hardship), it is possible to deviate from this by applying for exemption from the duty to run a law firm.
- Existing admission to the bar
Documents required
Application for exemption from chancery duty
A written application for chancery exemption must be submitted. -
Evidence to prevent hardship
Appropriate evidence must be submitted to avoid hardship pursuant to § 29(1) BRAO, e.g. evidence in the case of illness or parental leave by means of a medical certificate or notice of approval of parental leave; evidence in the case of further training abroad by submitting a copy of the confirmation letter from the relevant university. -
For a law firm abroad - law firm address
The binding indication of the law firm's address abroad is required pursuant to § 29a (2) BRAO.
Legal basis
Average time to process request
Approx. 1 month
Notes on responsibility
The Berlin Bar Association is responsible for the application for exemption from the obligation to practise law.