Prostitution work – health consultation for prostitutes

Individuals wishing to work as a prostitute must attend a health consultation before applying for initial registration of their activities.

What is the health consultation about?

In a confidential setting, a confidential conversation is held about the following topics:
  • Prevention of infectious and other diseases
  • Pregnancy and contraception
  • Alcohol and drug abuse
  • Support options if you are in an emergency situation
  • Support options during special situations in life

You will be consulted by a social education worker, who may seek support from a doctor for certain questions. The social workers are bound to professional secrecy and will treat any information about you as strictly confidential. If an interpreter is involved in the consultation, they are also bound to secrecy. There is no medical examination.

  • After registering their activities, prostitutes of 21 years and up have to attend a health consultation at least once every twelve months.
  • Prostitutes under the age of 21 have to attend a health consultation at least once every six months.

A certificate of attending the health consultation is issued to the participating individual. By request, this certificate can be issued in anonymous form.


  • Legal majority
    The prostitute must be at least 18 years of age when registering.

Documents required

  • Personal document
    Identity card, passport, passport substitute or identity card substitute containing a photograph.


Free of charge

Average time to process request


Notes on responsibility

Who is responsible for providing health advice?
The Health Office Tempelhof-Schöneberg provides a new consultation centre for health consultation in Berlin: BeZeGeBePro (centre for health consultation pursuant to §10 ProstSchG).

Your point of contact