Aktuelle Sprache: en
Prostitution vehicles – set-up notification
Prostitution vehicles are motor vehicles, vehicle trailers and other mobile facilities that are provided for the provision of sexual services.
Anyone wishing to set up a prostitution vehicle for operation on more than two consecutive days or several times in one month must notify the locally competent public order office two weeks before setting it up. The place of operation and the hours of operation must not conflict with the requirements for the protection of the prostitutes working in the prostitution vehicle as well as the customers, the youth and the residents or the general public. Otherwise, the installation of the prostitution vehicle may be prohibited.
Failure to report, to report correctly, to report completely or to report in time is an administrative offence and can be punished with a fine of up to 1,000.00 euros.
Anyone wishing to set up a prostitution vehicle for operation on more than two consecutive days or several times in one month must notify the locally competent public order office two weeks before setting it up. The place of operation and the hours of operation must not conflict with the requirements for the protection of the prostitutes working in the prostitution vehicle as well as the customers, the youth and the residents or the general public. Otherwise, the installation of the prostitution vehicle may be prohibited.
Failure to report, to report correctly, to report completely or to report in time is an administrative offence and can be punished with a fine of up to 1,000.00 euros.
Licence for operating a prostitution business
The notifying individual must hold a valid licence for operating the prostitution business. -
Suitability of the set-up location
The set-up location and operating hours must comply with the legal requirements for the protection of all parties involved. -
Legal majority
The notifying individual or their representative must be at least 18 years of age.
Documents required
Notification of the installation of a prostitution vehicle
(under "Forms")
The notification must contain the following information:
- the first and last name of the owner of the vehicle and the full name of the operator of the prostitution vehicle,
- the motor vehicle or vessel registration number of the prostitution vehicle,
- the exact location of the installation,
- the duration of the installation; and
- the hours of operation.
Permit for prostitution business (copy) with operating concept
It must be clear from the operating concept whether the vehicle has a sufficiently large interior and adequate interior fittings. In particular, the prostitution vehicle must be such that.
- doors can be opened from the inside at any time
- assistance can be reached at all times through technical devices,
- adequate sanitary facilities; and
- a valid operating licence is available,
- and the vehicle is in a technically operational condition.
Registration certificates/ alias certificates (copy)
Registration certificates and/or alias certificates of all prostitutes likely to work in the prostitution vehicle. -
Agreements with prostitutes (copy)
The agreements/contracts concluded with the prostitutes for the use of the vehicle. -
Photographs of the prostitution vehicle
Recent photographs (outside and inside views) of the prostitution vehicle. -
Valid operating licence / evidence of operability
Evidence of a valid operating licence and technical operability of the prostitution vehicle (e. g. copy of certification of the most recent general inspection, copy registration certificate part I, garage service record, or similar)
150.00 to 3,500.00 Euro depending on effort
Legal basis
Average time to process request
approx. 2 weeks
More information
- Informationen zum Thema Prostitution (Senatsverwaltung für Gleichstellung)
- Fragen und Antworten zum Prostituiertenschutzgesetz (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend)
- Anwendungsempfehlungen zur Erlaubnispflicht für Prostitutionsgewerbe (Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft)
- Information on data protection (Ordnungsämter des Landes Berlin)
- Prostitutionstätigkeit - Ausstellung einer Anmeldebescheinigung (Dienstelsitung)
- Prostitutionstätigkeit - Gesundheitliche Beratung für Prostituierte (Dienstleistung)
Notes on responsibility
Set-up notification for a prostitution vehicle must be submitted to the competent Public Order Office for the set-up location.