Exhibition of persons - apply for permission am Standort Ordnungsamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Gewerbe

Aktuelle Hinweise zu diesem Standort

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Weiter Informationen finden Sie unter: https://www.berlin.de/ba-friedrichshain-kreuzberg/politik-und-verwaltung/aemter/ordnungsamt/gewerbe/artikel.1454061.php

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Opening hours

  • Monday

      nach Vereinbarung
  • Tuesday

      nach Vereinbarung
  • Wednesday

      nach Vereinbarung
  • Thursday

      nach Vereinbarung

Changes in opening hours

Das Ordnungsamt weist ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass darüber hinaus telefonische Terminvereinbarungen auch zu anderen Zeiten getroffen werden können.


  • Bersarinplatz
  • U 5: Frankfurter Tor

Payment options

  • Girocard (mit PIN)


Exhibition of persons - apply for permission

You require permission from the competent authority, if you wish to organise shows in which human beings are presented (such as table dancing or striptease events) on your premises, or if you wish to provide your premises for the organisation of such events.

No permission is required for presentations of an artistic or athletic nature.


  • Personal reliability
    Reliability is verified based on various documents. The applicant must submit an excerpt from the Federal Central Criminal Register (certificate of good conduct) and an excerpt from the Commercial Central Register.
  • Suitability of rooms and location
    The premises used for the event must be suitable for the intended type and extent of use.

Documents required

  • Application for permission for showcasing human beings
  • Identity document
    Identity card or other official identification document containing a photograph.
    Residence permit, if the applicant is not an EU national
  • Certificate of good conduct for presentation to an authority
    To verify personal reliability, an extract from the Federal Central Register (certificate of good conduct) is required for submission to an authority (document type O).
    The information must not be older than three months.
  • Excerpt from the central business register for presentation to an authority
    To verify personal reliability, information from the central business register is required for submission to an authority (document type 9).
    The information must not be older than three months.
  • Ground plan
    Floor plans of the entire event premises including service space (ideally on a 1:100 scale)
  • Authorisation of use according to construction law
    Planning permit for the premises for use as an event location.
  • Up-to-date excerpt from the Trade Register
    Registered companies please submit a current excerpt from the commercial register when applying. Legal entities in the process of formation (GmbH, AG) must submit the articles of association.


100,00 bis 1.500,00 Euro: je Aufwand

Hinweise zur Zuständigkeit

The permit must be applied for with the competent Public Order Office for the place the event is held.


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