Residence permit for medical treatment

You can be issued with a residence permit on a temporary basis if your medical treatment in Germany lasts longer than the term of validity of the national visa (type D) issued to you for this purpose.

The residence permit can also be issued for your accompanying persons to whom a national visa (type D) was issued for this purpose.

As a rule, the residence permit cannot be extended if the medical treatment is finished.

If you have a Schengen visa (type C), you cannot receive a residence permit. However, you can extend your Schengen visa as a national visa (type D). You can find out more about this in the service "Schengen-Visa extension" (see section "More information").


  • Valid national visa (type D)
    • The national visa was issued either by a German embassy or consulate or by the Foreigners Registration Office.
    • If you have a Schengen visa (type C), you can extend this as a national visa (type D) under certain conditions. You can find out more about this in the service "Schengen - Visa - Extension" (see section "More information").
  • Medically treatment in the federal territory
  • Guaranteed subsistence for the duration of the treatment
  • Main residence in Berlin during medical treatment
  • Outpatient treatment
    In-person visit of the patient and the accompanying person
  • Inpatient treatment
    The accompanying person must come and see us face to face with
    • their power of attorney and
    • the hospital stay certificate (Liegebescheinigung) from the hospital for the patient.

Documents required

  • Passport with valid national visa
    • Patient: passport with valid national visa for medical treatment
    • Accompanying person: passport with valid national visa for accompanying the patient
    All passports must contain at least two blank pages (without a stamp or a visa).
  • 1 current biometric photo
    35mm x 45mm, frontal shot with neutral facial expression and closed mouth, looking straight into the camera, light background
  • Form "Antrag auf Erteilung eines Aufenthaltstitels"
    see section "Forms"
  • Passport or ID-Card of the authorized person
  • Declaration regarding assumption of costs
    It must be confirmed by the embassy that the payment of the costs of treatment is guaranteed. This includes the costs of the treatment received and future treatment.
  • Proof of sufficient means of subsistence (for those paying for their own treatment)
    If a cost coverage declaration cannot be submitted, please bring the following with you:
    • Bank statements showing your own financial resources
    • Proof of payment of treatment costs to date
  • Consultant's certificate regarding medical treatment
    Confirmation of the following points by the hospital, doctor or institution providing the treatment:
    • The availability of a place for the patient to receive the treatment,
    • A date for the start of treatment, and
    • The expected duration of the treatment
  • Health insurance
    In the case of outpatient treatment, travel health insurance is to be produced for the duration of the treatment up until departure.
  • Accompanying person
    It must be clearly demonstrated that a healthcare service is being provided.
  • If you have a representative: representative’s power of attorney and identification document
    If you cannot make the application yourself:
    • Written power of attorney
    • Identification document of the person representing you (passport or German ID card)


  • For adults: 100.00 euros for the initial issuance; 96.00 euros for the extension
  • For minors: 50.00 euros for the initial issuance; 48.00 euros for the extension

Average time to process request

Around 5–6 weeks
A personal visit four to six weeks before the existing temporary residence permit expires is best. Please make an appointment with the responsible department in the LEA (depending on your nationality).

Hinweise zur Zuständigkeit

This service can only be taken advantage of in the Berlin Immigration Office (Landesamt für Einwanderung – LEA) at Friedrich-Krause-Ufer.

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