Craft - Apply for a Registration in the Directory of Crafts Not Requiring Approval am Standort Berlin Chamber of Crafts - Trade Law

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Opening hours

  • Monday

      8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Tuesday

      10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Wednesday

      8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Thursday

      8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Friday

      8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Changes in opening hours

We are here to help you with all your questions and concerns. Please check whether a personal visit is absolutely necessary; many services can be easily applied for online. Individual appointments are possible, please contact the relevant specialist department by telephone first.


Payment options

  • Payment is not provided


Craft - Apply for a Registration in the Directory of Crafts Not Requiring Approval

Anyone taking up or terminating independent operations of a craft not requiring approval must immediately inform the Chamber of Crafts that is responsible for the chamber-district in which the premises are located. The names of legal representatives of legal entities and of authorised partners of private companies must also be registered.
A trade is a craft not requiring approval pursuant to the Crafts Code, if it is operated on a craft-oriented basis and listed in attachment B, section 1 of the Crafts Code (see legal basis).

After the Chamber of Crafts has been informed of the craft business not requiring approval, a confirmation of registration in the directory of crafts not requiring approval and craft-like trades will be issued.

Unlike registration of a trade in the Register of Craftsmen for a craft that requires registration and approval, no proof of qualification or title of master craftsman is required for the registration in the “Directory of operators of business in the areas of crafts not requiring approval and craft-like trades”.

Sie können diese Dienstleistung auch online in Anspruch nehmen

Online processing


Documents required

  • Application for registration in the Directory of Crafts Not Requiring Approval
    The Chamber of Crafts keeps a directory in which operators of businesses in the area of crafts that are exempt from registration or of craft-like trades must be registered with their business.
  • Identity document
    Presentation of identity card or passport with confirmation of registration or residence permit or other comparable identity documents


Registration in the Directory of Crafts Not Requiring Approval

  • EUR 80.00: by natural persons
  • EUR 180.00: for legal entities
  • EUR 140,00: for other partnerships (if there are more than 2 partners, half for each additional partner).

Hinweise zur Zuständigkeit

Registration in the Directory of Crafts Not Requiring Approval can be applied for with the Chamber of Crafts that is responsible for the principal place of business. If this address is not yet known, registration can also be applied for with the Chamber of Crafts that is responsible for the applicant’s place of residence.


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