Display an itinerant camp am Standort Ordnungsamt

Aktuelle Hinweise zu diesem Standort

Sie können online Ihr Gewerbe anmelden, ummelden oder abmelden.

Ansonsten sind wir auch postalisch, telefonisch oder per E-Mail unter gewerbe@ba-ts.berlin.de zu erreichen.

BA Tempelhof-Schöneberg

  • Ordnungsamt – FB Gewerbe-
10820 Berlin

 Larger map


  • This facility is wheelchair accessible.
  • Handicapped parking space available.
  • An elevator fully accessible to wheelchairs is available.
  • A wheelchair-accessible WC is available.
Explanation of symbols

Barrierefreier Zugang über den hinteren Bereich des Rathauses oder über den Eingang des Bürgeramtes.

Changes in opening hours

Öffnungszeiten der zentralen Anlauf- und Beratungsstelle nach Voranmeldung unter der Rufnummer (030) 90277 3460:

Montag und Dienstag 10:00 Uhr bis 12:00 Uhr
Donnerstag 15:00 Uhr bis 17:30 Uhr

Öffnungszeiten des Fachbereichs Veterinär- und Lebensmittelaufsicht:

Amtstierärztliche Sprechzeiten nach telefonischer oder mailanfrage zu einer Terminvergabe

Öffnungszeiten des Gewerbebereichs:

Nach vorheriger Termin-Vereinbarung postalisch, telefonisch oder per E-Mail unter gewerbe@ba-ts.berlin.de.


Payment options

  • Girocard (mit PIN)


Display an itinerant camp

Itinerant camps are sales events where the trader temporarily sells goods or offers services or accepts orders for goods or services in a travelling trade, i.e. outside his place of business and outside a fair, exhibition or market from a fixed place of distribution (such as a rented restaurant, event room, sales booth or motor vehicle in the case of a coffee run).

The itinerant camp shall be notified if
  • it is publicly announced or advertised, e.g. in newspapers, on posters, on the internet or other media, and
  • the journey of the participants to and from the location of the camp is made by the organisers or by persons working together with them.

The organisers must notify the camp at least four weeks before the start of the camp.

The camp must also be notified if it is to be held in a foreign country.

Sie können diese Dienstleistung auch online in Anspruch nehmen

Online processing

  • Do it online
    To use online processing, you must first register with a citizen or company account and can then log in with your access data.


Documents required

  • Notification of an itinerant camp
    Please use the sample form! (see "Forms")
    The notification must contain the following information:

    1. the location, date/period and time/timing of the itinerant camp,
    2. the type of goods and/or services offered,
    3. details of the organiser: Name/company, address of commercial establishment, contact details, trade, association or cooperative register if applicable, as well as the corresponding register number; in the case of legal entities, additionally the legal form and the persons authorised to represent,
    4. details for quick contact and direct communication with the organisers, including a telephone number, mobile phone number and an e-mail address,
    5. details of the providers of goods and/or services: Name/company, address of commercial establishment, if applicable commercial register, register of associations or register of cooperatives as well as the corresponding register number; in the case of legal entities, additionally the legal form and the persons authorised to represent the entity,
    6. if applicable, the names of the representatives authorised in writing to manage the camp on site on behalf of the organiser,
    7. the wording and form of the intended public announcements (copies of the public announcements are to be enclosed).
  • Itinerant Trade Card
    Proof to be provided by presenting the permission certificate or a copy thereof
  • Important information on the organisation of itinerant camps
    The itinerant camp may only be led on site by the organiser(s) named in the advertisement. Representation by a person authorised in writing is possible.
    A public announcement must contain:
    1. the type of goods and/or services to be offered as part of the itinerant camp,
    2. the location of the itinerant camp,
    3. the name of the organisers, the address of the commercial establishment, as well as information enabling rapid contact and direct communication with the organisers, including a telephone number and an e-mail address,
    4. information in an easily recognisable and legible or otherwise easily perceptible form on the conditions under which consumers have the right of withdrawal from contracts concluded in the context of the camp.
    It is forbidden by law to announce free gifts (in the form of goods or services), including competitions, raffles and draws, in the public announcement for your camp!



Hinweise zur Zuständigkeit

The notification of the camp must be submitted to the public order office responsible for the location of the camp. If the itinerant camp is to take place in a foreign country, the public order office in the place where the organisers are based shall be responsible for the notification.


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