Transfer of a EU Blue Card to a new passport am Standort LEA, Business Immigration Service (BIS)

Aktuelle Hinweise zu diesem Standort

The Business Immigration Service (BIS) is a unique association of all actors from business and administration who are relevant to visa and residence issues.

Companies that employ foreign employees residing in Berlin can use the BIS to quickly and easily clarify all questions relating to residence and apply for the necessary residence permits for their employees and their family members.

Please note:

  • The service can only be used by registered customers and after making an appointment.

  • Walk-in customers without an appointment cannot be served.

  • Further information on the BIS service can be found on the the website of the State Office for Immigration.

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  • Landesamt für Einwanderung (LEA)
  • LEA, Business Immigration Service (BIS)
  • Fasanenstraße 85 10623 Berlin
  • Mailing address
    Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24, 13353 Berlin
  • Tel.: (030) 90269-5900
  • Fax: (030) 9028-3468
  • Home page

Opening hours

  • Monday

      08:00 - 12:00
      13:00 - 15:00
      (by appointment only)
  • Tuesday

      08:00 - 12:00
      13:00 - 15:00
      (by appointment only)
  • Wednesday

      08:00 - 12:00
      13:00 - 15:00
      (by appointment only)
  • Thursday

      08:00 - 12:00
      13:00 - 15:00
      (by appointment only)

Changes in opening hours

Appointments outside opening hours by arrangement


Information on the address of this location

The postal address differs from the address of the location.
Therefore, please always send letters to: Landesamt für Einwanderung, Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24, 13353 Berlin.

Additional information

Payments are also possible by credit card (VISA, Mastercard) and contactless via smartwatch or smartphone.

Payment options

  • girocard (with PIN)


Transfer of a EU Blue Card to a new passport

Do you have an EU Blue Card and have you received a new passport?

Then (only) the plastic card of your EU Blue Card residence permit is no longer valid, since this plastic card refers to your old passport. However, your residence title EU Blue Card is still valid.

Please read the following notes before booking an appointment.

Is your EU Blue Card only valid for a maximum of a further 6 months?
If so, then a transfer no longer makes sense. Just come to the Berlin Immigration Office when it is time and neccessary to renew your EU Blue Card. This will save you time and money.

Are you wanting to travel abroad?
If no appointments are available at short notice, you can still travel abroad.
Re-entry to Germany is easy, if your EU Blue Card residence permit is still valid and you still have the old passport.
Take your old and new passports and your EU Blue Card with you on your trip.
However, we recommend that you enquire about the entry and exit conditions of the country you are visiting before you travel abroad (for example at the embassy of the country you are visiting).


  • Main residence in Berlin
  • Personal appearance by appointment is required
    Transfers are made at the Citizens' Registration Offices or at the Berlin Immigration Office
    generally only with an appointment.
  • Transfer in a Bürgeramt
    You can generally have the transfer carried out at any Berlin Citizens Registration Office (Bürgeramt), as long as the following requirements are met:
    • You have your old, full passport together with the valid EU Blue Card.
    • The EU Blue Card was issued in Berlin.
    • Your old passport is complete.
    • There is no more than 12 months between the expiry date of the old passport and the date of issue of the new passport.
    • You have not resided outside the federal territory for a continuous period longer than 12 months.
  • Transfer in the Berlin Immigration Office
    If one of the above mentioned requirements for making the transfer at the Citizens Registration Office (Bürgeramt) is not met (e.g. old passport is no longer present, the EU Blue Card was not issued in Berlin) the Berlin Immigration Office is responsible for the transfer.

Documents required

  • Your new passport
  • Your old passport
    If your passport has been stolen and you have reported the theft to the police, please bring the report with you.
  • Your EU Blue Card together with the supplementary sheet
  • 1 current biometric photo
    35мм x 45мм, в анфас, нейтральное выражение лица, рот закрыт, взгляд направлен прямо в камеру, светлый фон


  • 67.00 euros
For Turkish citizens
  • until the age of 24 years: 22.80 euros
  • from the age of 24 years: 37.00 euros

Average time to process request

about 4 to 5 weeks

Hinweise zur Zuständigkeit

You can generally have the transfer carried out at any Berlin Citizens Registration Office (Bürgeramt), as long as the following requirements are met:

  • You have your old, full passport together with the valid EU Blue Card.
  • The EU Blue Card was issued in Berlin.
  • Your old passport is complete.
  • There is no more than 12 months between the expiry date of the old passport and the date of issue of the new passport.
  • You have not resided outside the federal territory for a continuous period longer than 12 months.
In all other cases: Berlin Immigration Office


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