Handicrafts - Notify the Chamber of Handicrafts of the dismissal of the company management

If the current management ceases or a change takes place, you must report this to the Chamber of Skilled Crafts.

If the current management ceases or a change takes place, you must report this to the Chamber of Skilled Crafts. A new management must then be appointed immediately. The management of the enterprise can be carried out by the owner of the enterprise or by an employed person who has the necessary professional qualifications. The required proof of qualification for the technical management of the enterprise can be provided by a master craftsman's certificate for the craft to be practised or a craft related to it as well as by an equivalent domestic or foreign professional qualification or an exemption permit or authorisation to practise.

The tasks of the management include, among others
  • to control, supervise and monitor the technical work process and not to confine itself to the mere control of the work result,
  • to direct workers and to give necessary instructions,
  • to prevent and, if necessary, correct deficiencies in the execution of the work,
  • to ensure that violations of legal provisions or operating instructions do not occur,
  • to go regularly to the individual work sites to supervise the execution of the work,
  • be available at all times during working hours and be contactable and ready to act at short notice in emergencies and emergencies.

1. You must notify the competent Chamber of Skilled Crafts and Small Businesses of the dismissal of the company management. You can make the notification as the owner of the business subject to approval as well as the employed management. 2.

In order to maintain the business, you must apply to the competent Chamber of Skilled Crafts for the new management to be entered in the register of skilled crafts.


  • The management leaves the enterprise, changes the place of business or resigns in its function.
  • The deregistration of the management must be reported before the change or departure.

Documents required

  • Application for entry/ amendment/ extension in the register of crafts subject to authorisation or crafts not subject to authorisation and crafts similar to crafts
    (see under "Forms")
  • Form "Annex A: Manager's Declaration
    (see under "Forms")



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