Apply for recognition of foreign professional qualifications as an engineer

Have you obtained a degree in engineering abroad and gained professional experience? You need a licence to use the professional title ‘engineer’ in Germany. To obtain the licence, you need your foreign professional qualification as an engineer to be recognised.

Engineers advise, develop, plan or supervise technical, scientific or economic projects. They are also responsible for monitoring and auditing projects. Engineers can also work as experts and for research tasks.

The engineering professions are divided into specialisations. Engineers can work in different areas depending on their specialisation. There are many specialisations for each field, e.g. for
  • Civil engineering
  • mechanical engineering
  • electrical engineering
  • computer science
  • process engineering
  • Industrial Engineering and Management

The profession of engineer is regulated in Germany. The job title is specially protected. This means that you must provide proof of a specific qualification in order to be authorised to use the professional title of ‘engineer’. You can apply for your professional qualification to be recognised as proof of a foreign qualification. You can also submit the application for the recognition procedure from abroad.

In the recognition procedure, the competent authority compares your professional qualification
from abroad with the professional qualification in the selected federal state. The procedure is called: equivalence assessment. You will receive a notification of the result of the equivalence assessment. The notice will state your professional qualifications. If you lack professional qualifications for recognition, the notification will also state the main differences.

If your qualification is equivalent and you fulfil all other requirements,
you may use the professional title ‘engineer’.


1. Application
You submit an application for authorisation to use the professional title ‘engineer’ to the competent authority. The competent authority will then check whether your training corresponds to the German training and whether all other requirements have been met.

2. Application review
The responsible office receives the application. It will confirm that the application has been received within one month at the latest. Once the competent body has received all the documents from you, it will process your application.
  • The competent body will then check: Is your professional qualification equivalent to the professional qualification with those in the federal state of Berlin? For example, the content of the training and the duration of the training are important for the comparison.
  • The competent authority will also take into account your professional experience, other certificates of competence and qualifications. You may have to submit additional documents. The competent body will inform you.
  • The competent body will then check further requirements for the use of the professional title. These include, for example, your place of residence or your intention to work in the chosen federal state of Berlin.
3. Possible results of the examination
  • If your qualification is equivalent and you meet all other requirements, your professional qualification will be recognised. You will be authorised to use the professional title ‘Engineer’. You will receive a certificate to this effect. You will then have the same professional rights as a person with the German professional qualification.
  • Are there significant differences between your professional qualification and the German professional qualification? Then your professional qualification will not be recognised. In most cases, you can then take a compensatory measure. This allows you to compensate for the main differences.
4. Equalisation measures
There are various equalisation measures:
  • Adaptation course: You work as an engineer. You will be supervised by a qualified person. You may have to undergo additional training.
  • Aptitude test: In the aptitude test, only those areas in which significant differences have been identified are tested.
You can choose between an adaptation period or an aptitude test. If you successfully complete the equalisation measure, you will receive recognition. You will be authorised to use the professional title ‘engineer’.

  • Working without recognition
You can also work without being recognised, e.g. as an employee in an engineering office.
  • However, the professional title ‘engineer’ is specially protected. You are not allowed to use the professional title. This also applies to a word combination with the professional title.
  • Freedom to provide services
Do you only want to offer services in Germany occasionally and for a short time? Then you usually do not need to be recognised. You must fulfil these requirements:
  • You must be established in another EU or EEA member state or in Switzerland.
  • You must provide proof of your professional qualification.
  • You must notify or register your activity in writing with the competent authority.
  • You may have to provide proof of At least one year of professional experience in the profession in the last 10 years.
  • If you are self-employed, you may also be required to have appropriate professional indemnity insurance.
Certificate evaluation of a foreign university qualification
A certificate assessment can facilitate your access to the German labour market. The Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) will assess your certificate. Please note: The certificate evaluation does not replace the recognition of your professional qualification. You can find more information under ‘Further information’.

You can also access this service online

Online processing


  • Training completed abroad that is equivalent to German training or an equivalent level of knowledge
    The equivalence of the level of knowledge may have to be proven by an examination or an adaptation period
  • Residence or intended place of work in Berlin
    You have your main residence, your place of business or your main place of work in Berlin. Or: You want to live or work in Berlin soon.
  • Personal suitability
    You are reliable and have no criminal record
  • Sufficient knowledge of German at level B 2
    In view of the high level of trust that this profession demands and the mandatory consumer protection, at least level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required to work as an engineer
  • For the online application: Registration/login to the Berlin Service Account

Documents required

  • Application for authorisation to use the professional title of engineer
    Online or you can submit the (paper) application in writing by post.
  • Proof of identity
    z. e.g. valid identity card, residence permit or passport
  • Proof of name change, if applicable
    If your current first name or surname no longer matches the name on your professional qualification certificate (e.g. due to marriage, naturalisation or similar reasons), suitable proof is required.
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form with signature and date
  • Proof of your professional qualification
    (e.g. school-leaving certificates, vocational certificate/graduation certificate, e.g. Bachelor, Diploma etc., with overview of grades and subjects, Diploma Supplement)
  • Proof of your professional experience
    If the profession is not regulated in your country of training, you may need to
    you may have to prove: at least one year of work experience in the profession in the
    the last 10 years. (e.g. job references)
  • Proof of other qualifications, if applicable
    (e.g. further vocational training, internships, seminars)
  • If applicable, certificate evaluation by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB)
    If available
  • Proof of responsibility for the state of Berlin
    (e.g. proof of habitual residence in the state of Berlin / main residence, if applicable, confirmation of employment, applications for vacancies in the state of Berlin, invitations to job interviews)
  • Recognition or equality notice, if applicable
    Notification of the recognition and/or equalisation of foreign training as an engineer, if another state of the Federal Republic of Germany has already made a decision
  • Certificate of good conduct/certificate of no criminal record
    the police or judicial authorities of the home country or, if applicable, the country of study (not older than 3 months on presentation)
  • Certificate of good conduct for submission to an authority
    To check personal reliability, information from the Federal Central Criminal Register (certificate of good conduct) is required for submission to an authority (document type O).
    The information must not be older than three months.
  • Certificate of good repute/certificate of good standing
    the competent authority of the country in which the profession was practised (not older than 3 months on presentation)
  • Certificate B 2 on knowledge of the German language
    Certificate from the Goethe Institute, telc, TestDaf or ECL certified language school; not older than 3 years. Note: The submitted language certificates will be checked for authenticity and accuracy.
    It is not necessary to submit the language certificates at the time of application.
  • Translations of the documents
    Translations must be made by a publicly appointed and sworn interpreter or translator in Germany. Outside the Federal Republic of Germany, translations are only recognised by German embassies or consulates.

    Official translations must contain the following features
    • legible imprint of the official seal
    • Date of the translation
    • Signature of the person notarising the translation


EUR 200.00

Average time to process request

approx. 1-3 months, if all documents are complete

Notes on responsibility

Authorisation to use the professional title of engineer is granted for the federal state of Berlin by the Berlin Chamber of Construction.

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