Residence permit in accordance with Opportunity Residence Law - Application

Do you currently have tolerated stay status (temporary suspension of deportation - 'Duldung') and had already resided on federal territory for five years without interruption on 31 October 2022? If so, you should be issued with an ‘opportunity right of residence’ for 18 months on one occasion.
This will give you the opportunity to fulfil the other requirements for the issuing of a residence permit in the case of well-integrated juveniles and young adults or in the case of permanent integration. Particular requirements include proof of identity and independent means to secure a livelihood.

1. Place an online application for a residence permit under the ‘Opportunity Right of Residence Law’. Please submit only one application for yourself, your spouse or civil partner and the children living with you in the same household.
  • You will then receive a PDF document to confirm your application. The application will not initially change your status or tolerated stay status under residence law.
  • Please save this document and print a copy if possible.
2. We will contact you as quickly as possible and, if necessary, request further documents once you have placed an application for a residence permit under the ‘Opportunity Right of Residence Law’.
  • It may take some time until you receive a response due to the very high number of applications.
  • The online procedure means that the application can be quickly assigned to your file.
3. You will not receive an email with an interview appointment until your application has been reviewed positively.


  • You possess tolerated stay status ('Duldung')
    The tolerated stay status ('Duldung') may already have expired.
  • At least 5 years of residence and consecutively issued residence documents as of the cut-off date of 31 October 2022
    • You have continuously resided on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany for at least 5 years as of the cut-off date of 31 October 2022.
    • You were consecutively issued with one or more of the following residence documents during this time: tolerated stay status, temporary stay permit, proof of arrival, certificate of registration of a single asylum seeker under 18 years of age, residence permit or temporary residence permit
  • Permitted primary residence in Berlin
    The Berlin Immigration Office is unable to issue the residence permit if the tolerated stay status was granted by another foreigners authority and was made conditional upon residence within the area for which this other foreigners authority is responsible.
  • Current email address
    The Berlin Immigration Office will contact you at your current email address. Please check your spam folder regularly.
  • You have placed an online application for a residence permit under the Opportunity Right of Residence Law and will attend the interview appointment
    It is not possible to visit the office without an appointment.

Documents required

  • Application for a Residence Permit in accordance with Opportunity Residence Law
    (see 'Online processing')
  • 1 current biometric photo for each person
  • Proof of main residence in Berlin
    • Certificate of registration at the main residence or
    • lease and written confirmation of occupancy from the landlord
  • Confirmation of your online application for a residence permit under the Opportunity Right of Residence Law
    You were shown a PDF when placing your application. Please bring this PDF either as a printed copy or in digital form on your smartphone.
  • Appointment confirmation
    You have received an email with an appointment after placing an application for a residence permit under the Opportunity Right of Residence Law. Please bring this invitation to your appointment (as a printed copy or in digital form on your smartphone).


For issue of the residence permit:

  • 56.00 euros: adults
  • 28.00 euros: children and juveniles
  • None: upon presentation of current proof of receipt of benefits according to Book Two or Twelve of the Social Code (SGB II or SGB XII) or according to the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act (AsylbLG)
If it is necessary to issue a replacement identity card:
  • 32.00 euros: adults
  • 16.00 euros: children and juveniles
  • None: upon presentation of current proof of receipt of benefits according to Book Two or Twelve of the Social Code (SGB II or SGB XII) or according to the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act (AsylbLG)

Average time to process request

  • Processing may take some time due to the very high number of applications. You will receive an appointment for an interview if your application is reviewed positively.
  • Immediately: by appointment at the office

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