Crafts - Extending the duration of training

In case of problems during training, failed examination, parental leave or part-time training, you can apply for an extension of your training period.

1. extension in case of failed journeyman's or final examination:
  • If the apprentice fails the journeyman's or final examination, the training relationship is extended at the apprentice's request until the next possible repeat examination (by a maximum of one year).
2. extension for special reason:
  • In exceptional cases, the Berlin Chamber of Skilled Crafts may extend the training period at the trainee's request if the extension is necessary to achieve the training objective. There must be important reasons justifying this. These can be, for example, longer illnesses, significant deficiencies in the training or maternity leave periods.
  • A non-admission to the journeyman's examination does not constitute a reason for extension.
3. extension due to parental leave:
  • Parental leave does not count towards periods of vocational training. This means that the period of vocational training is extended by the period of parental leave.
4. extension due to part-time work:
  • In the case of part-time vocational training, the regular training period is extended. The agreement on part-time training is the subject of the contract and can be stipulated in the vocational training contract at the beginning of the training. However, it can also be agreed for a limited period during the training.
  • The following principle applies: The reduction of the daily or weekly training period may not exceed 50 per cent of a full-time training period.
  • The duration of the training period shall be extended accordingly in proportion, but not more than 1.5 times the regular training period.
  • Due to the required extension of the training period in part-time vocational training, it may happen that the end of the new contractual training period does not optimally coincide with the examination dates. At the request of the trainee, an extension of the training period until the next possible examination can be requested. This is only possible in the case of part-time vocational training.


  • Existence of the reason for the extension
    The reasons for an extension of the training period must be proven.
    Reasons can be:
    • Extension in case of failed journeyman's or final examination
    • Extension for a special reason
    • Extension due to parental leave
    • Extension due to part-time work
    If there is no valid reason according to the legal requirements, the training period cannot be extended.
  • Deadline
    • The application for an extension of the training period due to a failed examination must be submitted to the Berlin Chamber of Skilled Crafts immediately after receipt of the notice of the failed examination.
    • The application for an extension for special reasons must be submitted in good time before the expiry of the vocational training contract.
    • The application for an extension of the training period due to parental leave must be submitted to the Berlin Chamber of Skilled Crafts by the time the training starts again at the latest.

Documents required

  • Application for extension of the training period
    Depending on the reason for the change of address, please submit the completed and signed original application to the Berlin Chamber of Skilled Crafts.
  • Amendment agreement due to part-time vocational training
    • If a change to part-time vocational training is agreed between trainees and companies during vocational training, the change agreement to be recorded in writing between the training company and the trainee shall be submitted to the Berlin Chamber of Skilled Crafts (§ 30 Para. 1 HwO).
    • The Chamber of Skilled Crafts confirms the change of registration in the apprenticeship register and the resulting extension of the training period pursuant to Section 27b (2) HwO.
  • Proof of the reason for renewal (copy)
    In addition to the application for extension or the amendment agreement, a copy of the reason for the extension must be submitted (certificate of failure of the journeyman's or final examination, certificate of total incapacity to work from the health insurance fund, etc.).



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