Applying for recognition of foreign professional qualifications (EU/EEA/Switzerland) as a podiatrist

Podiatrists carry out medical foot care measures.

The profession of podiatrist is regulated in Germany. This means: In order to work as a podiatrist in Germany, you need a state permit. With this permit, you may use the professional title of podiatrist and work in the profession.

Even with a professional qualification from the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, you can obtain a state permit from the competent authority in Germany. To obtain the permit, you must have your foreign professional qualification recognised.

In the recognition procedure, the competent body compares your professional qualification from abroad with the German professional qualification and checks the equivalence. The equivalence of the professional qualification is an important prerequisite for the granting of the state licence.
In addition to the equivalence of the professional qualification, you must also fulfil other requirements for the granting of the permit. Further requirements are, for example, sufficient German language skills and health suitability.

If your professional qualification does not come from the EU, the EEA or Switzerland, other regulations apply.

You can also apply for the procedure from abroad.

1. Application
You submit an application for the granting of permission to use the professional title of podiatrist to the competent body.

2. Equivalence check
The competent body will then check whether you meet all the requirements. One important requirement is the equivalence of your professional qualification. The competent body compares your professional qualification from abroad with the German professional qualification as a podiatrist. The professional qualification is equivalent if there are no significant differences between your foreign professional qualification and the German professional qualification.

3. Possible results of the examination
If your professional qualification is equivalent, your foreign professional qualification will be recognised. The competent body can confirm the result to you in writing. You still have to fulfil the other requirements. You will then be granted permission to use the professional title of podiatrist.
  • Are there significant differences between your professional qualification and the German professional qualification? Perhaps you can compensate for the differences through your professional practice, other knowledge or skills (lifelong learning). You must provide evidence of professional practice. Knowledge and skills must be certified by an authority of the state in which you acquired the knowledge or skills.
  • However, it may be that the essential differences cannot be compensated by this knowledge. In this case, your foreign professional qualification will not be recognised. You will then not be allowed to work as a podiatrist in Germany.
  • However, the competent body will tell you the essential differences and why you cannot compensate for the essential differences through your professional practice. In most cases, you can take a compensatory measure. This will enable you to compensate for the substantial differences.
4. Compensatory measures
There are various compensatory measures:
  • Adaptation course: The adaptation course lasts a maximum of three years.
  • Aptitude test: In the aptitude test, only those areas in which significant differences have been identified are tested. The aptitude test consists of a practical test combined with an examination interview.
You can choose between an adaptation course or an aptitude test.

If you successfully complete the compensatory measure and meet all other requirements, you will receive permission to use the professional title of podiatrist.

You can also access this service online

Online processing

  • Do it online now
    You do not need to register for online processing and can submit the application directly online.


  • Training in the healthcare profession completed in the EU/EEA/Switzerland that is equivalent to German training or an equivalent level of knowledge
    The equivalence of the level of knowledge is to be proven, if necessary, by an examination or an adaptation course.
  • Health suitability
  • Proof of good repute and good standing for practicing the healthcare profession
  • Sufficient knowledge of German level B 2
  • Proof of responsibility

Documents required

  • Application for permission to use the professional title in the case of training in the European Union (EU)
  • Proof of responsibility for the state of Berlin
    (e.g. confirmation of employment, proof of habitual residence in the state of Berlin / main residence, applications for vacancies in the state of Berlin, invitations to job interviews)
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form with signature and date
  • Birth certificate and, if applicable, name change certificates
  • Proof of identity (valid identity card or passport)
  • Certificate of good conduct for submission to an authority
    To verify personal reliability, information from the Federal Central Criminal Register (certificate of good conduct) is required for submission to an authority (document type O).
    The information must not be older than three months.
  • Certificate of Good Conduct/Certificate of Clearance of Offences
    of the police or judicial authorities of the home country, if applicable, of the study country (if presented, not older than 3 months)
  • Certificate of good standing from the country of origin
    of the competent authority of the country in which the profession was practised (if presented, not older than 3 months)
  • Medical certificate from a doctor licensed to practice in Germany
    (if presented, not older than 3 months)
  • Documents on the training course and training qualification with German translation
    (see checklist for the granting of a licence to use the professional title for medical professions when training in an EU member state)
  • Certificate B 2 on knowledge of the German language
    Zertifikat vom Goetheinstitut, telc (telc Zertifikate serbischer Sprachschulen werden ab dem 01.09.2022 nicht mehr anerkannt), TestDaf oder ECL zertifizierten Sprachschule; nicht älter als 3 Jahre. Hinweis: Die vorgelegten Sprachnachweise werden auf Echtheit und Richtigkeit überprüft.
    Die Vorlage der Sprachnachweise bereits bei Antragstellung ist nicht erforderlich.
  • Amtliche Beglaubigung von Kopien
    Werden Kopien eingereicht, müssen diese amtlich beglaubigt sein. Bei Kopien ohne amtliche Beglaubigung ist die gleichzeitige Vorlage der Originale erforderlich.


EUR 164.00

Average time to process request

approx. 3-4 months, if all documents are complete

Notes on responsibility

Permission to use the professional title is only granted by the Berlin State Office for Health and Social Affairs.

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