Aktuelle Sprache: en
Recognition of foreign professional qualifications - driving instructor
Working as a driving instructor is regulated in Germany.
This means: In order to be allowed to work in this profession, you need a driving instructor's licence. Only with this permit are you allowed to train people to drive vehicles.
You can also obtain a driving instructor's licence with a professional qualification from abroad. To do so, you must have your foreign professional qualification recognised. It is irrelevant which nationality you have or in which country you acquired your professional qualification. You can also submit the application from abroad.
In the recognition procedure, the competent authority compares your professional qualification from abroad with the German professional qualification and checks the equivalence. The equivalence of the professional qualification is an important prerequisite for the issuance of the driving instructor's licence, but you must also fulfil other requirements.
Aptitude test and/or adaptation course
If your professional qualification is not equivalent, you can take part in an aptitude test and/or an adaptation course to compensate for the differences.
This means: In order to be allowed to work in this profession, you need a driving instructor's licence. Only with this permit are you allowed to train people to drive vehicles.
You can also obtain a driving instructor's licence with a professional qualification from abroad. To do so, you must have your foreign professional qualification recognised. It is irrelevant which nationality you have or in which country you acquired your professional qualification. You can also submit the application from abroad.
In the recognition procedure, the competent authority compares your professional qualification from abroad with the German professional qualification and checks the equivalence. The equivalence of the professional qualification is an important prerequisite for the issuance of the driving instructor's licence, but you must also fulfil other requirements.
Aptitude test and/or adaptation course
If your professional qualification is not equivalent, you can take part in an aptitude test and/or an adaptation course to compensate for the differences.
- Aptitude test: In the aptitude test, only the differences identified by the competent authority are tested. The aptitude test consists of a written and oral examination. You must also hold teaching tests in theoretical and practical driving lessons.
- Adaptation course: The adaptation course is a practical post-qualification and lasts a maximum of 3 years. In the adaptation course you have to do written practice work and give theoretical and practical lessons.
- You submit an application to the competent authority. For professional qualifications from the EU/EEA/Switzerland, you can also submit the application and documents online via the Single Point of Contact.
- The competent authority then checks whether you fulfil all the requirements and it checks the equivalence of the professional qualification.
- If your professional qualification is equivalent, it will be recognised. You still have to fulfil the other requirements and prove your language skills. After paying the administrative fee, you will then receive the driving instructor's licence.
- If your professional qualification is not equivalent, it will not be recognised. You will then receive a written decision about the differences in your professional qualification. You are given the opportunity to take part in an aptitude test and/or an adaptation course in order to compensate for the differences.
- You can take legal action against the decision of the competent authority. The decision will then be reviewed. Details on this can be found in the legal remedy instructions at the end of your decision. We recommend that you first talk to the competent authority before taking legal action against the decision.
You can also access this service online
Online processing
Foreign professional qualification
You have a professional qualification as a driving instructor from abroad. -
Minimum age
You are at least 21 years old. -
Professional competence
They are professionally and pedagogically appropriate. -
Health fitness
They are mentally and physically appropriate. -
Personal reliability
You have not violated the requirements for driving instructors. -
Driving license
You have a valid driving license for the vehicle class for which the driving instructor license is to be issued. -
Language skills
They have the necessary German language skills to teach learner drivers. -
Documents in German language or German translation
All relevant documents that are not available in German must be submitted with a German translation. The translations must be made by translators who are publicly commissioned or authorized.
Documents required
Request for equivalence assessment
Online possible; or informal application in text form
if necessary, you will receive separate forms from the responsible authority -
Identity document
Identity card or other official identification document with a photograph.
Residence permit if the applicant is not a national of an EU country. -
Curriculum vitae
A current curriculum vitae in table form and in German language (list of your educational background and professional experience) -
Foreign professional qualifications
Officially certified copy of the proof of your qualification to work as a driving instructor -
Documentation of the training and examination
In order to be able to establish an equivalence of the professional training as a driving instructor in your country, precise documentation on the entire training (contents of the training, duration of the training, form of the training) and the examinations that were taken is required. -
Proof of relevant professional experience and other qualifications, if applicable
E.g. certificates from employers, professional trainings, courses and other seminars -
Evidence from the country of origin, if applicable
If working as a driving instructor is not regulated in your home state: A certificate that you have worked as a driving instructor for at least 2 years in the last 10 years. -
Medical attestation of health fitness
Proof of your mental and physical health from the state of your professional qualification. The proof must show that you are fit to work as a driving instructor. (The proof should be no more than 3 months old at the time of application). -
Proof of good conduct
Proof of your personal reliability. This proof must be from an authority from the state of your professional qualification. This can be a criminal record extract or a Certificate of Good Standing. (The proof should be no more than 3 months old at the time of application). -
Driving license
A valid driving license for the corresponding vehicle classes in which you want to train.
EUR 40.90 per issue
Additional costs for translations and certifications, if applicable
Legal basis
- Driving Instructor Act (Fahrlehrergesetz or FahrlG) § 3 - Requirements for the issuance of the driving instructor's license for the holders of a qualification from a foreign country
- Implementing Regulation to the Driving Instructor Act (Durchführungsverordnung zum Fahrlehrergesetz) § 1 - Language test; adaptation training and qualifying examination
- Annex to the Regulation on Fees for Road Traffic Measures (Anlage zur Gebührenverordnung für Maßnahmen im Straßenverkehr or GebOSt) No. 302.2
Average time to process request
approx. 1 to 3 months
More information
- Information on the recognition of foreign professional qualifications ("Recognition in Germany")
- Information on the recognition of foreign professional qualifications (BQ-Portal)
- Financial assistance in the recognition procedure
- Publicly appointed translators in Germany
- Information about the Point of Single Contact Berlin
Notes on responsibility
The application for recognition of a foreign professional qualification as a driving instructor must be submitted to the State Office for Citizens and Regulatory Affairs (Landesamt für Bürger und Ordnungsangelegenheiten or LABO).