Recognition of foreign professional qualifications - Public servants - career field scientific services

In Germany, the exercise of sovereign powers and the fulfilment of state tasks are predominantly carried out by persons who are employed as civil servants in a special public-law employment and fiduciary relationship.

The following career paths are possible in the academic services career specialisation:
  1. Academic counsellors (second entry-level post),
  2. Library service,
  3. Museum service,
  4. Conservators and
  5. Scientific service at the Berlin Police Headquarters

In the federal state of Berlin, employment as a civil servant is tied by law to the possession of certain professional qualifications. If you have acquired professional qualifications abroad that qualify you to work in the public service there, you must have these qualifications recognised in Berlin (as a career qualification) in order to be employed in the state of Berlin in a civil service position corresponding to your previous profession. To do this, the equivalence of your professional qualification with a career qualification in the state of Berlin must be established.

  1. You submit an application for recognition of the professional qualification as a career qualification for the career specialisation Scientific Services; for one of the above-mentioned career branches of the state of Berlin to the Senate Department responsible for science as the competent authority. You can submit the application by post or online. Please complete the application and send all the necessary documents with it. You will receive a confirmation of receipt.
  2. The competent authority will determine whether your qualification can be assigned to the qualification for the career specialisation and a career segment of the career paths of the state of Berlin.
  3. If the qualification can be assigned, the competent authority will compare the preliminary and training requirements for the career qualification with your qualification certificates. If the authority determines a qualification deficit, it must be checked whether this can be compensated. It must be checked whether the knowledge, skills and competences acquired following the acquisition of the qualification as part of your previous professional practice or through lifelong learning, which have been formally recognised as valid by a relevant body, can compensate for the deficit in whole or in part.
  4. In the case of a qualification deficit that cannot be compensated for, recognition is dependent on passing an aptitude test or successfully completing an adaptation period.
  5. The decision on the application is made in writing. Upon successful completion of the recognition procedure, the qualification for the career branch and the respective career segment is acquired. It is possible for the career qualification to be recognised only for certain tasks or offices (partial access).
  6. If the requirements for recognition of the qualification are not met, you will receive a decision against which you have the right to appeal in accordance with the Administrative Court Code (objection procedure, legal action if necessary).
  7. Recognition for a career branch of the Berlin state service does not mean that you will be offered a job; you can apply for advertised positions.

You can obtain further information from the relevant authority.

You can also access this service online

Online processing


  • Age
    At the time of employment or takeover, you should not yet have reached the age of 45. This age limit is postponed for periods of actual childcare up to one year for each child under 18 years of age and for periods of actual care of close relatives in need of care according to a medical certificate (parents, parents-in-law, spouses, registered partners, siblings or children) up to one year for each close relative, up to a maximum of three years in total.
  • Nationality
    You have the nationality
    • of a member state of the European Union,
    • of a state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area,
    • of a third country to which the Federal Republic of Germany and the European Union have granted a corresponding entitlement to recognition of professional qualifications by treaty.
  • Qualification
    You offer the guarantee of standing up at all times for the free democratic basic order within the meaning of the Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany. You are not unsuitable for public servant status due to professional misconduct, criminal offences or comparable weighty reasons.
  • For the online application: registration/login to the service account Berlin (Service-Konto Berlin)
    You do not need to register for online processing and can submit the application directly.

Documents required

  • Application for recognition
    (under "Online processing")
    The application must state which public service job you are seeking.
    • For the online application: Please have all required documents and evidence ready to upload in PDF, JPG, JPEG or PNG format. A single file may not be larger than 3 MB.
  • Curriculum vitae
    Curriculum vitae with a tabular presentation of the professional career
  • Proof of nationality
    Proof of nationality of the member state or of a contracting state
  • Proof of qualifications
    Proof of qualifications, e.g. training certificates, diplomas, certificates of graduation
  • Proof of good conduct
    Certificates or documents from the home country or country of qualification stating that no criminal offences, serious professional misconduct or other circumstances calling the suitability into question are known; the certificates or documents must not be older than three months at the time of their presentation.
  • Certificate of authorisation to practise the profession
    Certificate from the home country or country of qualification stating which professional practice the professional qualification entitles to there
  • Declaration on previous professional recognition procedures
    A declaration whether and with which authority within the Federal Republic of Germany recognition has already been applied for; if applicable, a decision issued in this context is to be enclosed.
  • Place of residence details
    For statistical purposes, the information on the place of residence is required.
  • If necessary, proof of exercised activities
    Certificates on the nature and duration of activities in the field of the qualification carried out in a member state after the acquisition of the qualification
  • If necessary, proof of competences acquired through lifelong learning
    certificates, if applicable, issued by a relevant body, on, knowledge, skills and competences acquired through lifelong learning
  • More documents
    The competent authority may request you to submit further information on the content and duration of the completed training and on other professional qualifications in the form of study regulations, examination regulations, course books or in any other appropriate manner within a reasonable period of time, insofar as this is necessary to establish equivalence.


EUR 5.00 to EUR 5,000.00, per effort

Average time to process request

The competent authority will confirm the receipt of the documents within one month and, if applicable, inform you which documents are missing. The one-month period begins on the date on which the application is received by the competent authority. The decision on the application will be communicated in writing within four months of submission of the complete documents.

Your point of contact