Arms possession card (green) – standard

An arms possession card (APC) is required for purchasing or owning firearms subject to approval. Additional weapons can be entered if you already have an arms possession card. Permission to acquire a weapon is granted for a period of one year, permission to own a weapon is usually granted indefinitely

The green arms possession card permits the acquisition and possession of
  • multi-shot pistols and revolvers,
  • long rifles such as self-loading rifles, semi-automatic shotguns, repeating rifles, repeating shot guns, single loader guns
  • and signal weapons.

You need to apply for an arms possession card (green) if you wish to acquire (buy) a weapon. You are then issued an arms possession card and a purchasing permit (a so-called preliminary entry) is entered.

  • Sports marksmen and markswomen are normally allowed to acquire no more than two weapons within six months.
  • Important note for hunters: You can apply for purchase authorisations for handguns here. Do not use this form if you are a hunter and have acquired a long gun, its parts or silencer that requires a licence, but use the ‘Acquisition notification’ form. Use this form to apply for the issue of a firearms licence (green) or entry in an existing firearms licence within 14 days of purchase.
  • Anyone who inherits weapons and wishes to keep them must apply for an arms possession card (green) or have the weapon entered on a previously issued APC (deadline must be observed). Inherited ammunition must be reported to authorised individuals or the police without delay.

A permit is also required for buying and owning the ammunition for the registered firearms. You can apply for permission to acquire ammunition at the same time as applying for an arms possession card (green). An additional ammunition acquisition permit is only required if you wish to acquire or own ammunition for weapons that are not entered on your arms possession card (see “More information”).

If you do not only wish to own a weapon but to also carry it in public, you will also need a firearms licence.

You can also access this service online

Online processing


  • Minimum age: usually 25 years
    By way of derogation, a few specific exceptions apply:
    • For initial application for an arms possession card (green) sports marksmen and markswomen must be at least 21 years old, if they can present a positive official or specific psychological certificate of mental aptitude.
    • A minimum age of 18 applies for issuance of an arms possession card for sport shooting using certain small calibre guns and rifles. No assessment report is required.
    • A minimum age of 18 applies for issuance of an arms possession card for hunters and heirs. No assessment report is required.
  • Reliability
  • Personal suitability
  • Proof of competence
    Exception: heirs
  • Necessity according to weapons legislation
    Exception: heirs
    Weapons Act (WaffG) §8, §14, §19, §20, §28
  • Period of 1 month from acceptance of the inheritance may apply
    For issuance of an APC (green) under simplified conditions in the context of an inheritance (without proof of competence and proof of need)

Documents required

  • Application for an arms possession card (green)
    • Online processing: please keep all required documents and certificates ready for upload in PDF, JPG, JPEG, PNG or DOCX format. The files should be named as follows: firstname_surname_description.pdf
    • As an alternative, you may submit the application by postal mail or e-mail: please post or email the signed application and all certificates and personal documents to the weapons authority of the Berlin police.
  • Identity card or passport
    As a photocopy or photograph
  • Proof of competence from the rifle association or certificate from an officially approved commercial competence training provider
    For sports marksmen and markswomen
  • Certificate by a recognised sport shooting association attesting the necessity to participate in sports shooting for at least twelve months
    For sports marksmen and markswomen
  • Valid hunting licence
    For hunters
  • Proof of competence and evidence of the risk
    For exposed persons
    • You must provide evidence that you are exposed to significantly greater risk to life or limb than the general public and that purchasing and owning a firearm is a suitable measure for reducing such risks.
  • Arms possession card of the testator
    For individuals who have inherited weapons
  • Death certificate, will or certificate of inheritance, if applicable
    For individuals who have inherited weapons
  • Any previous registered addresses
    If you lived outside Berlin in the past 10 years, please keep all addresses at hand as you will need to enter these in the application.


The application is subject to a fee. You will receive a notification of charges. Processing will take place after receipt of payment. Up to 50% of the fees will be charged in the event of a negative decision.

  • EUR 31.00: issuance of an arms possession card with purchasing permit for the first of 2 handguns for hunters.
  • EUR 87.00: issuance of an arms possession card with purchasing permit for the first of up to 2 handguns, up to 3 semi-automatic long guns, repeating guns for sports marksmen
  • EUR 112.00: issuance of an arms possession card with purchasing permit for the first of up to 2 handguns or 3 semi-automatic long guns for sports marksmen
  • EUR 112.00: issuance of an arms possession card in the case of inheritance including registration of the first weapon
  • EUR 205.00: issuance of an arms possession card for exposed persons including registration of the first weapon
  • EUR 95.00: issuance of an arms possession card for security companies including registration of the first weapon for (exclusive) use for transporting money and valuables
  • EUR 205.00: issuance of an arms possession card for security companies including registration of the first weapon for use for protecting exposed persons and assets, including transport of money and valuables, if applicable.
  • EUR 119.00: issuance of an arms possession card for a legal entity including registration of the first weapon
  • EUR 97.00: issuance of an arms possession card including purchasing permit for the first salute gun
  • EUR 82.00: issuance of an arms possession card including purchasing permit for the first weapon requiring no proof of need or decorative weapon
  • EUR 121.00: issuance of an arms possession card including purchasing permit for the first weapon for all other applicants
  • 60% of the fee due for issuance the arms possession card: entering another purchasing permit on an existing arms possession card
  • EUR 15.00: entering another weapon in the context of applications for multiple purchasing or possession permits
  • EUR 10.00: entering another weapon in the context of applications for multiple possession permits in case of an inheritance
  • EUR 17.00: issuance of a follow-up document if the maximum number of weapons per document is exceeded
  • EUR 25.00: ammunition acquisition permit
  • EUR 5.00: ammunition acquisition permit when applying for the corresponding weapon at the same time

Further charges after the permit has been granted
  • EUR 61.00: every three years, for regular reliability reviews
  • EUR 45.00: every five years, for verification of continued need
  • EUR 30.00: for sports marksmen after another ten years each, for verification of continued need
  • EUR 103.00: for weapons storage inspections
  • EUR 51.00: for weapons storage inspections if the inspection is repeated after less than three years

Your point of contact

Service hotline 115

Bürgertelefon 115 - Ihr telefonischer Zugang zur Verwaltung: (030) 115; Montag - Freitag, 07:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Mehr Informationen