Fireworks - Notify sale of small fireworks and smallest fireworks at the location Ordnungsamt Reinickendorf - Gewerbe

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  • This facility is wheelchair accessible.
  • Handicapped parking space available.
  • A wheelchair-accessible elevator is available.
  • A wheelchair-accessible WC is available.
Explanation of symbols

Zugang und Parkplatz für Rollstuhlfahrer durch die Tordurchfahrt Brusebergstraße

Opening hours

  • Monday

      Nur nach telefonischer Vereinbarung
  • Tuesday

      Nur nach telefonischer Vereinbarung
  • Wednesday

      Nur nach telefonischer Vereinbarung
  • Thursday

      Nur nach telefonischer Vereinbarung
  • Friday

      Nur nach telefonischer Vereinbarung

Changes in opening hours

Bis auf Weiteres erfolgt persönliches Vorsprechen im Ordnungsamt Reinickendorf während der Sprechzeiten nur nach Vereinbarung bzw. Absprache eines Termins.
Termine sind spätestens am vorherigen Werktag während der Sprechzeiten mit dem jeweiligen Fachbereich telefonisch zu vereinbaren.
Vorsprachen ohne Termin sind zurzeit nicht möglich.

Transportation links

  • 122 Lübener Weg, 322 Lindauer Allee, 120, 320 Paracelsus Bad
  • U 8 Paracelsus-Bad

Payment options

  • Girocard (mit PIN)

Service description

Fireworks - Notify sale of small fireworks and smallest fireworks

The intended sale of pyrotechnic objects (fireworks) of categories F1 and F2 must be notified in beforehand to the responsible public order office.
  • If you intend to sell fireworks on an annually recurring basis, a one-time notification is enough.
  • A new notification is required if changes have occurred since the first notification (e.g. change of address, changes in the persons responsible).
  • If you permanently end the sale of fireworks or permanently close the sales facility, notify the responsible public order office immediately.

  1. You notify the locally competent public order office of the intended sale of pyrotechnic articles (fireworks) of categories F1 and F2 in time (at least 14 days before the start of the activity).
  2. Your notification will be reviewed by the competent authority. Usually you will not be informed when the process is complete.

Any person who intentionally or negligently fails to make the notification, or fails to make it correctly, completely or in time, shall be guilty of an administrative offence. The administrative offence can be punished with a fine of up to EUR 10,000.


  • Sale of pyrotechnics of categories F1 and F2 (individual and small fireworks)
  • Responsible persons
    A sufficient number of responsible persons must be appointed for each sales facility to act as supervisors for sales and/or storage.
    These persons shall be appointed by internal organisation.
  • Sale within stationary sales premises
    Pyrotechnic objects (fireworks) of category F2 may only be sold within stationary sales premises. Sale in the travelling trade or market trade is prohibited.

Documents required

  • Fireworks sales notification
    (under "Forms")
    You must provide information on the management of the sales outlet/branch as well as on responsible persons.
    • The notification must be fully completed and submitted in text form at least 14 days prior to starting the activity to the responsible public order office.
    Please use the form provided!



Notes on responsibility

The report must be filed with the public order office in whose district the sales facility is locally situated.