Fireworks - Display the burning of pyrotechnic articles at the location Ordnungsamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Gewerbe

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Opening hours

  • Monday

      nach Vereinbarung
  • Tuesday

      nach Vereinbarung
  • Wednesday

      nach Vereinbarung
  • Thursday

      nach Vereinbarung

Changes in opening hours

Das Ordnungsamt weist ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass darüber hinaus telefonische Terminvereinbarungen auch zu anderen Zeiten getroffen werden können.

Transportation links

  • Bersarinplatz
  • U 5: Frankfurter Tor

Payment options

  • Girocard (mit PIN)

Service description

Fireworks - Display the burning of pyrotechnic articles

Persons with a licence certificate or an official certificate of competence in accordance with the Explosives Act must have an intended fireworks display for the setting off of pyrotechnic articles
  • category F2: in the period from 02.01. to 30.12. or
  • categories F3, F4, P1, P2, T1 or T2: all year round
to the local competent authority in writing or electronically in advance.

  • generally two weeks before the day of burning
  • four weeks before the day of the display (in the case of fireworks in the immediate vicinity of railway installations, airports or federal waterways that are shipping lanes, e.g. Spree, Müggelspree, Havel, etc.).

  • The burning of pyrotechnic articles of category F1 (small fireworks for young people) is permitted all year round without prior notification.
  • No prior notification is required for the display of effects with pyrotechnic articles and their sets in theatres and similar establishments.

  • The burning of pyrotechnic articles in the immediate vicinity of churches, hospitals, children's and old people's homes and particularly fire-sensitive buildings or facilities is prohibited.

  1. As the responsible person, you must notify the local public order office responsible for the place where the pyrotechnic articles (fireworks) are to be set off in advance. The notification can be submitted online. Please complete the notification completely, upload the required supporting documents and submit them.
  2. The responsible office will check your details and documents and request any missing evidence. You will receive instructions on the further procedure and will be informed of the processing status by e-mail.
  3. If necessary, a joint appointment will be arranged for a site visit.
  4. You will receive a final notification with a fee notice.

You can also access this service online

Online processing

  • Do it online now
    You do not need to register for online processing and can submit the notification directly online.


Documents required

  • Display of fireworks
    Online possible and recommended or in writing by post
  • Identity document
    Identity card or other official identification document with photograph
  • Permit or certificate of competence
    You need:
    • a valid licence in accordance with § 7 (commercial) or § 27 (non-commercial) of the Explosives Act or
    • a valid licence in accordance with § 20 of the Explosives Act
  • Site plan of the burning area
    Scaled sketch (scale 1:100) of the firing area, showing the distances to any obstacles in the vicinity of the fireworks (e.g. trees, houses, etc.).
  • If applicable, a current extract from the commercial register
    Registered companies should submit a current excerpt from the commercial register. Legal entities in the process of being established (GmbH, AG) submit the articles of association.


EUR 30.00 - EUR 100.00, per effort

More information

Notes on responsibility

You have to submit the notifications for the burning of fireworks within Berlin to the local public order office of the district authority

Service hotline 115

Bürgertelefon 115 - Ihr telefonischer Zugang zur Verwaltung: (030) 115; Montag - Freitag, 07:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Mehr Informationen