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Admission to the Bar - Applying for admission as an in-house lawyer without existing admission to the Bar am Standort Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin

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  • This facility is fully accessible to wheelchairs.
  • An elevator fully accessible to wheelchairs is available.
  • A WC fully accessible to wheelchairs is available.
Explanation of symbols

Ein ausgewiesener Behindertenparkplatz befindet sich beim Amtsgericht Mitte (Littenstraße 12-17, 10179 Berlin).

Opening hours

  • Monday

      08:00-12:00 Uhr
      13:00-16:00 Uhr
  • Tuesday

      08:00-12:00 Uhr
      13:00-16:00 Uhr
  • Wednesday

      08:00-12:00 Uhr
      13:00-16:00 Uhr
  • Thursday

      08:00-12:00 Uhr
      13:00-16:00 Uhr
  • Friday

      08:00-13:00 Uhr


Payment options

  • Barzahlung


Admission to the Bar - Applying for admission as an in-house lawyer without existing admission to the Bar

An application for admission to the bar (In-house lawyer) can be made without an existing admission to the bar. An application for admission to the bar can also be submitted at a later date.


  • Successful completion of the second state law examination
    The qualification to hold judicial office (certificate of the second state law examination or of passing the qualifying examination) must be available pursuant to § 46a in conjunction with § 4 BRAO.
  • Absence of a reason for refusal of admission
    There must be no grounds for refusal of admission pursuant to § 7 BRAO.
  • Job requirements
    The activity must comply with the requirements pursuant to § 46 ( 2) - (5) BRAO.

Documents required

  • Application for admission to the bar (In-house lawyer) without existing admission to the bar in Berlin (with questionnaire and master form)
    Submit the application with all attachments and a photograph. The attachments must be also comleted and signed.
  • Proof of qualification to hold judicial office
    The original or an officially certified copy as proof of qualification for judicial office (certificate of the second state examination in law or of passing the qualifying examination) must be submitted.
  • Birth certificate
    The original or a certified copy of the birth certificate must be submitted.
  • Employment contract
    An original of the employment contract signed by both parties or a publicly certified copy in accordance with § 46a BRAO, § 129 BGB must be submitted.
  • Proof of contractual independence
    A contractual agreement on the professional independence of the exercise of the profession pursuant to § 46 BRAO must be submitted, which is either included in the employment contract or as a separate supplementary agreement to the employment contract. On the employer's side, it must be signed by the employer's legal or legally authorised representative.
  • Proof of the job description (master sheet)
    (under "Forms")
    A job description must be submitted (completed master form or prepared separately), signed by the employer's legal or legally authorised representative.
  • Proof of the employer's name and the object of the employer's company
    Proof of the employer's name and the object of the employer's business (e.g. copy of excerpt from the commercial, association or cooperative register) must be submitted.
  • Proof of name change
    If there is a change of name, the original or an officially certified copy must be submitted.
  • Proof of an academic degree
    In the case of an existing academic degree, the original or an officially certified copy must be submitted.


  • 370.00 Euro: Admission to the Syndicated lawyer's office
  • 440,00 Euro: Admission to the Syndicated lawyer's office and the Bar

Average time to process request

approx. 3 months

Hinweise zur Zuständigkeit

The Berlin Bar Association is responsible for the application for admission as a lawyer (In-house lawyer) without existing admission to the bar.


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