Bar - Applying for extension of the syndic's licence

Lawyers (In-house lawyer) with an existing admission must apply for an extension of the inhouse lawyer's admission if they take up another employment relationship or if the activity for which they are admitted has changed significantly.


  • Existing admission as lawyer (in-house lawyer)
  • Significant change of the activity or
  • Taking up another employment relationship
  • Job requirements
    The activity must comply with the requirements pursuant to § 46 ( 2) - (5) BRAO.

Documents required

  • Application
    Submit the appropriate application with all attachments. The attachments must be also comleted and signed. The attachment Personal data sheet must be submitted with a photo.
  • Proof of employment contract
    In the event of the conclusion of a new / further employment contract or an amendment agreement, an original signed by both parties or a publicly certified copy pursuant to § 46a BRAO, § 129 BGB (notarial) must be submitted.
  • Proof of contractual independence
    Proof of professional independence of professional practice pursuant to § 46 BRAO must be provided (employment contract regulation or supplementary agreement. This must be submitted as an original signed by both parties or as a publicly certified copy according to § 46a BRAO, § 129 BGB (notarial).
  • Proof of the job description (master sheet)
    (under "Forms")
    A job description must be submitted, signed by the employer's legal or legally authorised representative. In the case of a substantially changed activity pursuant to Section 46b BRAO, an updated job description must be submitted or a confirmation from the employer that there has been no change or no substantial change in the activity.
  • Proof of the employer's name and the object of the employer's company
    In the event of changes in the object of the enterprise or in the event of an application for extension to another employment relationship, proof of the employer's name and the object of the employer's enterprise (e.g. a copy of the extract from the commercial register, the register of associations or the register of cooperatives) must be submitted.


100,00 Euro

Average time to process request

approx. 3 months

Notes on responsibility

The Berlin Bar Association is responsible for the application for the extension of the syndic's admission to a further employment relationship or to a substantially changed activity in the case of an already existing admission as a lawyer (In-house lawyer).

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