Aktuelle Sprache: en
Recognising foreign professional qualifications - professional recognition
You have acquired your professional qualifications abroad and you want to work in Berlin in your profession? Depending on your profession, you can or will have to recognize your foreign qualification.
You can also access this service online
Online processing
- Professional qualification acquired abroad
- Original documents or a certified copy
Documents in German language (translation)
If the documents are written in another language, you may also need a translation by a publicly appointed translator. Please contact the responsible office.
Documents required
The training courses you have completed and the jobs you have done
tabular listing - Information about your current place of residence
- Proof of identity
- Training certificates acquired abroad
Evidence of relevant professional experience or other qualifications
If they are required for the determination of equivalence - Declaration as to whether and to which office you have already applied for a determination of equivalence
- If necessary, notification of determination of equivalence
If necessary, further documents
Depending on the profession, additional documents may be required. Please contact the responsible office.
- None: online portal and service of the Point of Single Contact Berlin
- Different: depending on the effort and legal regulations for your profession
- Additional costs: e.g. for translations, certifications, compensatory measures
Legal basis
- The relevant federal or state law for performing the respective profession shall apply. You will find further information about this in the "Recognition in Germany" portal. Further laws may apply depending on the profession in question. Please contact the relevant office.
- Directive 2005/36/EG - Professional Qualification Recognition Directive
- Professional Qualification Assessment Law Berlin (BQFG Bln)
- Law on the Point of Single Contact for the State of Berlin (EAG Bln)
Average time to process request
A decision is made within 3 months, provided that all required documents are submitted to the relevant office.
More information
Diese Dienstleistung können Sie auch online über das des Einheitlichen Ansprechpartners erhalten.
Notes on responsibility
- Find the office responsible for recognising your professional qualification. (see "More information")
- The Berlin Advice Hotline is available to international professionals who work or would like to work in Berlin. (see "More information")
- The Single Point of Contact Berlin is mainly available to professionals with professional qualifications from other EU countries. Many applications can be submitted online via the EA. The EA is also available to national and international professionals with general information and supports you in finding the competent recognition authority.