Weapons law - Applying for or renewing a weapons licence for vulnerable persons

You require a firearms licence for vulnerable persons to carry firearms subject to authorisation. The firearms licence authorises the carrying of firearms subject to authorisation due to personal danger for the purpose of self-protection. The licence to carry a firearm is limited to a maximum of three years and can be extended twice for up to three years.

1. Before applying for a firearms licence, you need a firearms possession card (green).
  • If you do not yet have a firearms possession card in which a weapon suitable for self-protection is registered, please apply for this first (under "Further information").
  • Before submitting an application in connection with a personal threat, please contact the Berlin Police Weapons Department for advice on the telephone numbers (030) 4664-951411, -951412, -951413 or -951414 or by e-mail (waffenbehoerde@polizei.berlin.de).
2. Then submit an application for the issue of a firearms licence, extension of an existing firearms licence before the expiry date or an application for re-issue. You can do this in writing by post.
  • Note:* If you apply for an extension of a firearms licence after the expiry date, this is not an extension but a reissue. In this case, the re-issue option must be selected in the application.

3. You will be sent a notification of fees. Further processing will take place after receipt of payment.


Documents required

  • Application for the issue of a firearms licence
    Submit the application in writing by post.
  • Details of the firearms possession licence issued to you (e.g. due to endangerment)
  • Identity card or passport
    As a photocopy or photograph
  • Proof of competence
    The certificate of competence must already be submitted with the gun ownership licence applied for in advance.
  • Proof of need
    A need exists if the applicant can credibly demonstrate that he or she is objectively, i.e. verifiably for our office, significantly more at risk than the general public. Explain to what extent this applies to you.
    • If applicable, please provide the case number or file reference of any reports you have made, e.g. because of threats to your person.
    • Please also read the information sheet "Information on gun licences and gun possession cards for vulnerable persons".
    • You must provide credible evidence that you are at significantly greater risk than the general public from attacks on life or limb and that the carrying of firearms outside your pacified property (e.g. your home or fenced property) is suitable and necessary to minimise this risk.
  • Details of the weapons that are to be entered in the firearms licence (if known)


The application is subject to a fee. You will be sent a notification of fees. Further processing will take place after receipt of payment. In the event of a negative decision, up to 50 % of the fees will be charged.

  • Weapons licence for vulnerable persons
  • EUR 26.00: Issued if the person is authorised to acquire and possess the firearm on the basis of the same need as the firearms possession card
  • EUR 173.00: Issued in the case of an authorisation to acquire and possess the firearm on the basis of a need other than that for the firearms possession card
After issue, further fees are incurred for holders of licences:
  • EUR 185.00: for the extension of the period of validity of a firearms licence in accordance with § according to § 10 paragraph 4 sentences 1 and 2 WaffG in cases of § 19 WaffG
  • EUR 193.00: for the reissue of a firearms licence in accordance with § 10 paragraph 4 sentences 1 and 2 WaffG in cases of § 19 WaffG

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